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Tools Open Source PHP WordPress
=== Simple Tooltip ===
Contributors: Qassim.Dev
Donate link:
Tags: tooltip, simple, simple tooltip, customize, custom, customizer, customizing, image, images, Post, plugin, posts, page, widget, admin, sidebar, google, twitter, comments, shortcode
Requires at least: 2.6.0
Tested up to: 4.2.2
Stable tag: 1.0
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI:

Simple WordPress tooltip shortcode, full customize and easy to use.

== Description ==

### Simple Tooltip            

Simple WordPress tooltip shortcode, full customize and easy to use.

### The Features

* One shortcode.
* Full customize.
* Easy to use.

### Live Demo

* [](

### Rate The Plugin

* [Please rate Simple Tooltip plugin](

### See Also

* [Collection of 87 themes for $69 only.](
* [Premium WordPress themes on Creative Market.](
* [Premium WordPress themes on Themeforest.](
* [Premium WordPress plugins on Codecanyon.](

### About

* [The plugin designed and developed by Qassim Hassan.](
* [Qassim Hassan on Twitter.](

### More Plugins

* [My Plugins](

== Installation ==

### Installation

1. Upload 'simple-tooltip' folder to the '/wp-content/plugins/' directory.
2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress.
3. Now you will find new button "Simple Tooltip" in WP posts editor.

### Usage

* Just use this shortcode to add tooltip:

    [simple_tooltip text="some text or one word" tooltip="my tooltip text"]

### Shortcode Attributes
1. text="here enter your text or one word, example: @Qassim_Dev", default is none. required.
2. tooltip="here enter tooltip text, example: this is my username on twitter! follow me", default is none, required.
3. background="here enter tooltip background color code, eaxmple: #ff0" default is #555555, not required.
4. url="here enter link if you want, example:" default is none, not required.
5. color="here enter tooltip text color code, example: #000" default is #ffffff, not required.

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

### FAQ

* [For more questions or help, contact me.](
* [Or ask me on twitter.](

== Changelog ==

= 1.0 =
First version.