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Tools Open Source PHP WordPress
=== Simple Tooltips ===
Contributors: clevelandwebdeveloper
Donate link:
Tags: tooltips, tips
Requires at least: 2.9
Tested up to: 4.1
Stable tag: 2.1.2
License: GPLv2
License URI:

Easily add tooltips to your wordpress site.

== Description ==

Easily add tooltips to your wordpress site. Tooltips will show when target element is hovered over. On mobile devices tooltips show when target element is tapped. You can easily pick your tooltip color settings in <strong>Settings > Simple Tooltips</strong>.

= How to Use =
To define a tooltip: Add class "tooltips" to the target html element. The title attribute will be used for tooltip content.

= Credits =
Thanks to Stefan Gabos who made the original <a href="">jQuery plugin</a>.

== Installation ==

1. From WP admin > Plugins > Add New
1. Search "Simple Tooltips" under search and hit Enter
1. Click "Install Now"
1. Click the Activate Plugin link

== Frequently asked questions ==

= How do I easily add a tooltip? =

Add class "tooltips" to the target html element. The title attribute will be used for tooltip content (see screenshot).

= How do I change tooltip color settings? =

Settings > Simple Tooltips.

== Screenshots ==

1. Simple tooltip in action
1. To set a tooltip: add class "tooltips" to html element, use title attribute for tooltip message.
1. You can easily change tooltip color settings in Settings > Simple Tooltips
1. Simple tooltip in action on a WordPress menu item

== Changelog ==

= 1.0 =
* Initial version