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Sirdar KIVI WP-plugin


This plugin is a forked version of Alma Media KIVI WP-plugin. The main difference is, that this version is able to use the normal XML export fetched from KIVI, instead of the new “specific WordPress transfer”. With this plugin you don’t need to order the transfer, and you can use the one provided in your KIVI subscription normally. We thank Alma Media for the great plugin and the effor put to it, but this fork is not meant to be merged to it, thus it’s in its own repository. We are pulling updates from the original plugin to this one manually.


A plugin for displaying KIVI real estate system properties on a WordPress site. The plugin is not meant to be out-of-the box solution
for the job, but instead a starting point for development. With the plugin, simple index and single templates are provided for listing and displaying the properties.
KIVI WordPress plugin imports KIVI data into WordPress as a background process. The plugin is scheduled to read the active items in the KIVI system every 30 minutes. New items are added, deleted items are deleted and updated items are updated. In WordPress, the KIVI items are stored ad a custom post type named kivi_item. Item images are stored in the WordPress media gallery and referenced in the kivi_item posts. Kivi_item posts are not supposed to be edited using the WordPress editor as the scheduled update from the KIVI system will overwrite any changes if the item is changed in KIVI.


Just drop extract the package in the plugins directory of your WP installation. ‘KIVI items’ and ‘KIVI’ tabs will appear in the dashboard. ‘KIVI’ is the admin area, ‘KIVI items’ will list the imported items.


  • XML address for importing. This you will get from the KIVI customer service. This is customer specific and will include all the items for a specific customer.
  • Brand color. This will change some the colors of the plugin provided template page. For real customisations and theme like look and feel, a separate template for KIVI items should be implemented on the template directory.
  • Slug. Define a slug for the kivi_item post type. This is basically a piece of the url structure for your KIVI-items. For example in item url the ‘kohde’ would be the slug. Also the list of all the items can be accessed using the url <site url>/<slug>.
  • Show sidebar on item page. This controls if the default item template will call get_sidebar() or not.
  • ‘Use www sized images in transfer (default: original)’ Use www-size images when transferring the items to WP. Www-sized are smaller than originals. This is useful for in development phase as the www images download quicker. Using originals in production is a good idea.
  • Google maps api key. If set, a google maps component is shown on the item page and the property is pinned on the map. The location is based on the address and geocoded using google’s api. Note that there is a limit of geocoding requests for a single api key.
  • Reset. This will reset the settings and remove all KIVI items.
  • Save settings. This will (obviously) save the settings.

Adapting to a theme

The plugin has default templates for listing properties and displaying a single item. The templates might work with your theme just fine, or not. You can place your own templates in your theme’s directory and these will override the ones defined by the plugin. The files sould be kivi-index-template.php and kivi-index-template.php for index page and single item page, respectively. You can of course use the default templates as a starting point for your own templates, the files are includes/partials/kivi-index-template.php and includes/partials/kivi-single-template.php.

Shortcodes defined by the plugin

You can use shotcodes to display KIVI data in your own custom WordPress pages by adding a shortcode defined by the plugin in the content of the page.

List items by town

[kunta nimi='<city>']
for example:
[kunta nimi='Tampere']

List items by housing company

[taloyhtio nimi='<housing company name>']
for example:
[taloyhtio nimi='Asunto Oy Tampereen Pohtola']

Feature Requests and Contributing

We are not too actively developing individual features for the plugin as it’s meant to be a starting point for development anyways. However, we do fix bugs and for example add support for new data if such data appears in the source system. If there are specific needs you can of course contact our sales.
We are also happy to accept any pull requests if they are generic enough and seem fit for our users.



Updated, fixed translations and pulled sync changes from the main plugin this is forked from.


Init. Major changes to the import process in order it to make it work with the basic XML KIVI provides.