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Tools Open Source PHP WordPress

Contributors: xlthlx
Donate link:
Tags: archives,columns,emoji,header,tools,widgets
Requires at least: 5.9
Tested up to: 6.1.1
Requires PHP: 7.4
Stable tag: 1.0.0
License: GPLv3 or later
License URI:
Sets of tools for WordPress admin and frontend.


Site Toolkit is a WordPress plugin that gives you a lot of options to improve your blog/website.
It has seven sections to manage different functionalities:


  1. Disable Emoji Support: Removes the extra code to generate emojis in the header.
  2. Remove RSS Feeds Links: Removes RSS feeds links in the header.
  3. Disable Rest API: Disables Rest API and removes Rest API links (only for not logged-in users).
  4. Remove Header Links: Removes RSD link, wlwmanifest Link, shortlink, previous/next post Link in the header.
  5. Remove WordPress Version: Removes the WordPress version meta in the header.
  6. Change Style/Javascript Version: Replaces the style and javascript version with the file version.


  1. Pretty Permalink For Search: Sets up a pretty permalink for the search functionality.
  2. If-Modified-Since Header: Adds the If-Modified-Since Header into all pages/posts.
  3. Image Alt Attribute: Forces all the images to have an alt attribute.


  1. Remove Archive Title Prefix: Removes the prefix in the archive title.
  2. Redirect Attachments Pages: Redirects the attachment pages to the homepage.
  3. Redirect Archives: Redirects authors archive, dates archive, tags archive to the homepage.


  1. Remove Dashboard Widgets: Removes all the Dashboard widgets.
  2. Custom Dashboard Widget: You can create a custom text Dashboard widget.


  1. Add Thumbnail Column To Posts: Shows the thumbnail in a column in the admin posts listing.
  2. Add Template Column To Pages: Shows the Page Template name in a column in the admin pages listing.


  1. Change Login URL: You can choose your own URL instead of using the default WordPress URL.


  1. Clean File Names: Removes all the special chars in the filename when you upload any file.


English, Italian.


  1. Upload site-toolkit folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Enjoy

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I translate the plugin interface?

Yes, just use the .POT file in the languages folder.


1. Header

2. SEO

3. Archives

4. Dashboard

5. Listing

6. Login

7. Uploads



  • First release


Site Toolkit is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Site Toolkit.
If not, see


If you need support or have a feature request, please use the support forum.