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=== SmartPost Templates ===
Contributors: rafdizzle86
Donate link:
Tags: templates, forms, front end editor, video, ffmpeg, picture gallery, media, uploader
Stable tag: 2.4.0
Requires at least: 3.8
Tested up to: 4.5.2
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI:
SmartPost builds beautiful form templates that makes it quick and easy to generate posts on the front-end of your WordPress site.
== Description ==
= What is SmartPost? =
It is a template builder and authoring tool that is user centered. No programming or coding knowledge required.
= Why use SmartPost? =

  • Create new posts on the front-end, get instant feedback to the look and feel of your post.
  • Break up your posts into different sections – i.e. a picture gallery, a video, and richtext sections.
  • SmartPost can use ffmpeg to rotate and compress uploaded video files for a better video-streaming experience.
  • Extend the capabilities of SmartPost by developing your own post section.

= How does SmartPost Work? =
Build Templates to be used on the front-end of your WordPress site:
SmartPost enhances WordPress categories by applying templates to them. Users can create new category templates and build them up
by dragging and dropping components into the template builder. Once category templates have been setup, users can utilize
them on the front end to create new posts. SmartPost also allows you to copy existing templates into new ones.
Authors use pre-defined templates to build rich posts on the front-end of WordPress:
No more going back and forth between the dashboard. Build rich posts one component at a time with immediate feedback on
how your post will look like once published. SmartPost utilizes intuitive actions such as dragging and dropping to add
pictures and videos to your post.
Note: SmartPost is still in the Beta stage, check out the “Beta Testing” tab for more info!
For more information, check out the plugin site here.
== Installation ==

  1. Download the plugin in zip format.
  2. Uncompress the file.
  3. Move the smartpost directory under the /wp-content/plugins/ directory in your WordPress instance.
  4. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  5. Go to the SmartPost admin page and create a new template (or use the default SP QuickPost template)
  6. Add the [sp-quickpost] shortcode to a page or add the “SP QuickPost” widget to a widget area
  7. Go to the front end of your site and create beautiful, clean looking posts with instant feedback

== Frequently Asked Questions ==
= How do I create posts on the front-end like the plugin says it does? =
The easiest way to start using the templates is to embed the [sp-quickpost] shortcode in a post, page, or some place
that is able to parse WordPress shortcodes. The shortcode looks something like [sp-quickpost template_ids="1"] or
[sp-quickpost template_ids="1,2,3"]. The template_ids attribute allows the shortcode to know which template form should be used.
In the SmartPost admin page, the shortcode for each template is provided with the template’s associated ID, however, you can
allow your users to pick from a selection of templates by providing the shortcode with multiple template ids separated by commas as it
is shown in the example above. The IDs in the shortcode have to be associated with SmartPost templates, otherwise the shortcode will
not render properly.
The second way to start create posts on the front end is by adding the “SP QuickPost” widget to one of your widget areas / sidebars.
The widget works better if you have a “category header” widget area where you can place the SP QuickPost widget.
If your theme doesn’t have a “category header” widget area, then generating new posts on the front-end may look broken as the form
itself is squeezed into narrow sidebars.
However, it’s fairly easy to create a category widget-area for you to place your SP QuickPost widget in:

  1. Create a sidebar-category.php file in your theme file.
  2. Once you created this file, read up on how to register a new sidebar area here.
  3. In your category.php file, place the sidebar somewhere under the category title, right before the post loop.

= How do I get HTML5 video encoding to work? =
Note: SmartPost only supports video encoding on Linux servers! We are hoping to extend support for Windows servers soon.
FFmpeg is required for video encoding to work! The server that your WordPress instance resides on needs to have
ffmpeg and ffprobe executables present in the same directory. If ffmpeg is already installed, these executables usually reside in /usr/local/bin/,
but sometimes not. To find the full path of where ffmpeg lives, you can use the shell command command -v ffmpeg.
Once you’ve found the full path, then in the WordPress dashboard go to SmartPost -> Settings and click on the “Video” link on the right hand side.
Copy and paste the full path of where the ffmpeg executable resides in the text input (make sure there is a trailing “/” at the end of the…