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Tools Open Source PHP WordPress
=== Social Sharing Toolkit ===
Contributors: linksalpha
Tags: Facebook, Like, WhatsApp, LinkedIn, Share, Google, Plus, +1, Pinterest, Google+, Twitter, Tweet, Follow, StumbleUpon, Stumble, Tumblr, Delicious, Digg, Reddit, Myspace, Hyves, YouTube, Flickr, 500px, Picasa, deaviantART,, mail, Gmail, AOL, Evernote, Hotmail, Instapaper,, Pocket, Sonico, vkontakte, Weibo, Yahoo Mail, Yammer, RSS, feed, connect, recommend, social, sharing, widget, shortcode, page, post, button, counter, icon, bitly, Open Graph
Requires at least: 3.0
Tested up to: 4.3
Stable tag: 2.4
License: GPLv2 or later

Easy sharing and connecting on social networks. Display on posts or use widgets or shortcode. Also Twitter name/hashtag to link converter.

== Description ==

= Sharing content =

The plugin currently supports the following networks for sharing your content:

* Facebook (like, share and send buttons)
* Twitter
* Google +1
* Pinterest
* LinkedIn
* Tumblr
* StumbleUpon
* Delicious
* Digg
* Reddit
* Myspace
* Hyves
* Gmail
* Evernote
* Hotmail
* Instapaper
* Pocket
* Sonico
* vkontakte
* Weibo
* Yahoo Mail
* Yammer.

On Tweet button you can specify a Twitter handle which is then appended to the tweet a visitor sends (like "... via @WordPress"). An email send button is also included.

You can decide which networks to support on your blog, where the buttons will appear (either above or below the content). Through drag and drop you can easily change the order in which the buttons appear.

For each button you can choose a different type (not all types are available for each button):

* button
* button with counter on the side
* button with counter on top
* small icon
* small icon with text
* medium icon
* medium icon with text
* large icon

You can also choose the orientation of the buttons:

* horizontal (buttons are placed side by side)
* vertical (buttons are placed below each other)

= Divider =

In version 2.0.4 three dividers were added to each list. These might be useful in ordering the buttons, especially in the case of varying button types used with a horizontal orientation. A divider will split the element containing the buttons in two, allowing for more customization.

= Shortcode =

It is also possible to only let the buttons appear where you want by using shortcode. The shortcode function has it's own list of buttons with the same possibilities as the list for content. Use the shortcode [social_share/] in the content where you would like to display the buttons.

Since version 2.1.2: Use one or both of the url and title attributes to override these settings with your own information. Example: [social_share url="" title="My Website"/]

= Widget =

The widget has it's own list of buttons with the same possibilities as the list for posts & pages. You can however specify a fixed title and url to use for the buttons in the widget.

= Follow Widget =

Since version 2.0.0 an extra widget is added with the possibility to provide easy links to your profiles on other social networks.

The networks currently supported for the Follow Widget are:

* Facebook
* Twitter
* Google+
* Pinterest
* Goodreads
* LinkedIn (including company and group links)
* Tumblr
* Myspace
* Hyves
* YouTube
* Flickr
* 500px
* Picasa
* Instagram
* DeviantArt
* Spotify
* Soundcloud

A button for an RSS feed is also included. Of course the type, order and orientation of the buttons is also configurable for the Follow Widget. Each button for the Follow Widget supports the following types:

* small icon
* small icon with text
* medium icon
* medium icon with text
* large icon

To use a button you must enter your user / profile id or username for the network. To use the RSS feed button you must enter the full url.

= Automatic Twitter links =

This plugin also includes a configurable & improved version of my earlier Automatic Twitter Links plugin. You can decide if you want to convert Twitter names and/or hashtags to links.
Twitter names will link to their Twitter profile and hashtags will link to the Twitter search page.

= Bitly =

Since version 2.0.5 the plugin has the option to use bitly to shorten the urls for the tweet button. To use it you need to register with bitly and fill in your bitly username and API key.

= Pinterest =

Since version 2.0.5 the plugin has the option to show Pinterest buttons. The plugin tries to find the featured image or first image in the content if available. If no image is available the button is omitted.
Since version 2.0.7 is is possible to enter the URL of a default image to use in case no image was found. You can also set the plugin to always use the default image regardless of any available images.

= Open Graph =

Since version 2.0.5 the plugin also has the option to automatically create Open Graph tags on your WordPress site. These will tell Facebook for example which image to display when sharing a page.
You can enter the URL of a default image to use in case no image was found. The plugin will try to use the thumbnail attached to the post (if your theme supports it), or the first image it finds in the content. To turn of this behavior you can check a box which will force the plugin to always use the default image you have specified.

= Analytics =
The plugin runs off our servers at in order to process the social sharing analytics which helps you track virality of your content across social channels.

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

= My excerpts aren't displaying the buttons but some strange text is displayed =

You must disable the option "Include buttons in excerpts", it is enabled by default but some themes use custom excerpts which do not correctly parse the buttons.

= The buttons are not showing on my posts in the loop =

You must enable the option "Include buttons in excerpts", but keep in mind some themes use custom excerpts which do not correctly parse the buttons.

= How do I use display the buttons somewhere else (outside the loop) =

If you want to display the buttons somewhere else on your site you can use the following code where you want the buttons to appear:
	$social_sharing_toolkit = new MR_Social_Sharing_Toolkit();
	echo $social_sharing_toolkit->create_bookmarks();

You can also supply an url and title to use on the buttons:
`	echo $social_sharing_toolkit->create_bookmarks('{YOUR URL}', '{YOUR TITLE}');`

To display the follow buttons somewhere else you can use the following code:
	$social_sharing_toolkit = new MR_Social_Sharing_Toolkit();
	echo $social_sharing_toolkit->create_followers();

= The LinkedIn follow link doesn't seem right =

You may need to setup you custom public profile url. To do so, use the following steps:
1. When signed in to LinkedIn, Go to Edit Profile
2. Click on Edit link, next to your default Public Profile URL (Under Profile tab)
3. Under "Your Public profile URL" on the right click "Customize your public profile url"
4. Type your desired URL in the popup box and you should be done!

= Can I translate the plugin in my own language? =

You can, please refer to the i18n sections on the WordPress website for information on how this works. A .pot file and a Dutch translation are included in the `/languages/` folder of the plugin.

== Installation ==

Upload the Social Sharing Toolkit plugin to the `/wp-content/plugins/` folder on your website, activate it and use the 'Social Sharing Toolkit page' under 'Settings' to configure your toolkit.

== Screenshots ==

1. Plugin configuration: General settings
2. Plugin configuration: Content, Shortcode and Share Widget have the same options
3. Advanced settings with bitly, Pinterest and Open Graph options

== Upgrade Notice ==

= 2.4 =
* Added support for WhatsApp.

= 2.3 =
* Bug fixes.

= 2.2 =
* Added option to select image size available for sharing if featured image is set.
* Add new button to enable sharing on more services, including Gmail, AOL, Evernote, Hotmail, Instapaper,, Pocket, Sonico, vkontakte, Weibo, Yahoo Mail, and Yammer.
* Bug fixes.

= 2.1.4 =

Change from webstagram profile to native instagram profile, notification of author change.

= 2.1.3 =

Please update to version 2.1.3 to fix an issue with the loading of stylesheets.

= 2.1.2 =

Please update to version 2.1.2 immediately for several crucial fixes.

= 2.1.1 =

Please update to version 2.1.1 to remove unwanted bookmarks and follow text.

= 2.1.0 =

Please update to version 2.1.0 immediately for several crucial fixes.

= 2.0.9 =

Please update to version 2.0.9 for several fixes, more features and extra networks.

= 2.0.8 =

Please update to version 2.0.8 for a critical fix causing server errors.

= 2.0.7 =

Please update to version 2.0.7 for several critical fixes and enhancements to the Pinterest buttons.

= 2.0.6 =

Please update to version 2.0.6 for several small bug fixes and enhancements.

= 2.0.5 =

Please update to version 2.0.5 for...