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Tools Open Source Sync WordPress

Syncfiles – Easily rsync WordPress theme files

Easily rsync WordPress theme files up and down from your local machine to your
remote server, using a function named syncfiles.


  • Loads a syncfiles.zsh file from the current folder, which sets some
    variables that are specific for that site, eg:

    • user (cPanel username)
    • host (domain name)
    • the remote base directory (eg public_html/)
    • the theme slug (eg themename)
    • the rsync arguments (eg -avzP)
    • excluded files and folders (preprocessor files, backup files, etc.)
  • Optional arguments/flags:
    • Do a dry run
      • -d | --dry | --dryrun | --dry-run
      • Dry-run is more critical than syncing downwards, so gets the -d
    •   <li>
          Specify a specific pattern <ul dir="auto">
              <code>-o=*</code> | <code>--only=*</code>
              Wildcards need escaped
              ⚠️ Empty folders will downloaded. Not figured out how to avoid that.
              Example usage: <ul dir="auto">
                  <code>syncfiles --down --only=*.php</code>
                  <code>syncfiles --down --only=navigation.js</code>
          Specify that you want to sync downwards <ul dir="auto">
              <code>--down</code> | <code>--pull</code>
              For when files are on the server and you don&#8217;t have them locally.
          Specify that you want to sync upwards <ul dir="auto">
              <code>--up</code> | <code>--push</code>
              This is the default behaviour
          Include the <code>/acf-json/</code> folder <ul dir="auto">
          Override the main arguments <ul dir="auto">
              <code>-a=*</code> | <code>--args=*</code>
              <a rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" href=""></a>
          Specify the SSH port <ul dir="auto">
              <code>-p=*</code> | <code>--port=*</code>
              Rarely non-default, always port 22 on ProISP
          Sync the WordPress uploads folder <ul dir="auto">
              Changes to uploads folder and syncs it in the direction chosen.
          Sync the WordPress plugins folder <ul dir="auto">
              Changes to plugins folder and syncs it in the direction chosen.
          Debug <ul dir="auto">
              Echo the full string just so we can check it, nothing fancy.


    You must have authorised your SSH key on the remote machine.


    • Delete twenty-x themes, hello dolly, and akismet
    • Automatically set WordPress’ environment