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Tools Open Source Sync WordPress
=== SYNCRO ===
Contributors: atomic55
Donate link: 
Tags: chat, leads, SMS, chat tools for websites, live chat plugin for website, chat software for website, live chat software for website, online chat software, business chat software, website chat software, live chat support software, live chat website, live chat for website, free live chat for website
Requires at least: 3.3
Tested up to: 4.4.2
Stable tag: 1.3.4
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI:

Use this WordPress plugin to easily install a SYNCRO web chat to text tool (SMS chat tool) on your WordPress site. 

== Description ==

To use this plugin you have to sign up for SYNCRO by registering for a FREE account at All of the chat window options can be managed on the SYNCRO admin panel. All assets related to SYNCRO are on the SYNCRO server. Your chat messages and data are stored on the SYNCRO server as well, which you can view and manage from the admin panel.

== Installation ==

1. Register for a FREE account at
2. Install the plugin
3. Activate the plugin in the Plugins menu in your WordPress install
4. Copy your Site short-name from your SYNCRO account
5. Paste the short-name into the short-name field in the SYNCRO WordPress plugin.

== Frequently asked questions ==

== Screenshots ==

1. screenshot-1.jpg
2. screenshot-2.jpg
3. screenshot-3.jpg
4. screenshot-4.jpg
5. screenshot-5.jpg
6. screenshot-6.jpg

== Changelog ==

== Upgrade notice ==

== Arbitrary section 1 ==