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How To Work with Strings in JavaScript
Tutorials Development JavaScript
Introduction> Introduction # A string is a sequence of one or more characters that may consist of letters, numbers, or symbols. Strings in JavaScript are primitive data types and immutable, which means they are unchanging.
Introduction to localStorage and sessionStorage
Tutorials JavaScript
Introduction> Introduction # The localStorage and sessionStorage objects, part of the web storage API, are two great tools for saving key/value pairs locally. Using localStorage and sessionStorage for storage is an alternative to using cookies and there are some advantages:
Understanding Prototypes and Inheritance in JavaScript
Tutorials Development JavaScript
Introduction> Introduction # JavaScript is a prototype-based language, meaning object properties and methods can be shared through generalized objects that have the ability to be cloned and extended. This is known as prototypical inheritance and differs from class inheritance.
Understanding Date and Time in JavaScript
Tutorials Development JavaScript
Introduction> Introduction # Date and time are a regular part of our everyday lives and therefore feature prominently in computer programming. In JavaScript, you might have to create a website with a calendar, a train schedule, or an interface to set up appointments.
How to Use Vue.js and Axios to Display Data from an API
Tutorials Development JavaScript Vue.js
Introduction> Introduction # Vue.js is a front-end JavaScript framework for building user interfaces. It’s designed from the ground up to be incrementally adoptable, and it integrates well with other libraries or existing projects.
Understanding Objects in JavaScript
Tutorials Development JavaScript
Introduction> Introduction # An object in JavaScript is a data type that is composed of a collection of names or keys and values, represented in name:value pairs. The name:value pairs can consist of properties that may contain any data type — including strings, numbers, and Booleans — as well as methods, which are functions contained within an object.
How To Write Your First JavaScript Program
Tutorials Development JavaScript Programming Project
Introduction> Introduction # The “Hello, World!” program is a classic and time-honored tradition in computer programming. It’s a short and complete first program for beginners, and it’s a good way to make sure your environment is properly configured.
How To Make Changes to the DOM
Tutorials Development JavaScript
Introduction> Introduction # In the previous two installments of the Understanding the DOM series, we learned How To Access Elements in the DOM and How To Traverse the DOM. Using this knowledge, a developer can use classes, tags, ids, and selectors to find any node in the DOM, and use parent, child, and sibling properties to find relative nodes.
How To Use Object Methods in JavaScript
Tutorials Development JavaScript
Introduction> Introduction # Objects in JavaScript are collections of key/value pairs. The values can consist of properties and methods, and may contain all other JavaScript data types, such as strings, numbers, and Booleans.
How To Set Up a React Project with Create React App
Tutorials Development JavaScript React
The author selected Creative Commons to receive a donation as part of the Write for DOnations program. Introduction> Introduction # React is a popular JavaScript framework for creating front-end applications. Originally created by Facebook, it has gained popularity by allowing developers to create fast applications using an intuitive programming paradigm that ties JavaScript with an HTML-like syntax known as JSX.
Understanding Classes in JavaScript
Tutorials Development JavaScript
Introduction> Introduction # JavaScript is a prototype-based language, and every object in JavaScript has a hidden internal property called [[Prototype]] that can be used to extend object properties and methods. You can read more about prototypes in our Understanding Prototypes and Inheritance in JavaScript tutorial.
A Brief Tour of the Eleventy Static Site Generator
Tutorials JavaScript
Static site generators are very à la mode right now and with the JAMStack becoming a more-than-viable alternative for many web projects these days, it’s no wonder! JAMStack or not, static site generators (SSGs) offer some major advantages over more traditional CMSs, and when it comes to SSGs, there are plenty of options to choose from.
How To Write Comments in JavaScript
Tutorials Development JavaScript
Introduction> Introduction # In programming, our first consideration is usually the machine — how the computer is reading and interpreting the code we write. However, it’s equally important to consider the people who will be reading and working with the code.
How To Modify Attributes, Classes, and Styles in the DOM
Tutorials Development JavaScript
Introduction> Introduction # In the previous tutorial in this series, “How To Make Changes to the DOM,” we covered how to create, insert, replace, and remove elements from the Document Object Model (DOM) with built-in methods.
How To Work with JSON in JavaScript
Tutorials Development JavaScript
Introduction> Introduction # Because JSON is derived from the JavaScript programming language, it is a natural choice to use as a data format in JavaScript. JSON, short for JavaScript Object Notation, is usually pronounced like the name “Jason.
An Introduction to jQuery
Tutorials Development JavaScript Programming Project
Introduction> Introduction # HTML, CSS, and JavaScript are three fundamental languages of the internet. Websites are structured with HTML, styled with CSS, and interactive functionality is added with JavaScript. Most animations or actions that happen as a result of a user clicking, hovering, or scrolling are constructed with JavaScript.
How To Do Math in JavaScript with Operators
Tutorials Development JavaScript
Introduction> Introduction # Mathematical operations are among the most fundamental and universal features of any programming language. In JavaScript, numbers are used frequently for common tasks such as finding browser window size dimensions, getting the final price of a monetary transaction, and calculating the distance between elements in a website document.
A Fetch API Primer
Tutorials JavaScript
Fetch is a new-ish, promise-based API that lets us do Ajax requests without all the fuss associated with XMLHttpRequest. As you’ll see in this post, Fetch is very easy to use and work with and greatly simplifies fetching resources from an API.
Binary Heaps and Priority Queues via JavaScript
Tutorials JavaScript
While I’m sure we can all agree that queues are the coolest things since sliced bread, we can actually do much better by mixing them with a variation of trees called heaps.
How To Index, Split, and Manipulate Strings in JavaScript
Tutorials Development JavaScript
Introduction> Introduction # A string is a sequence of one or more characters that may consist of letters, numbers, or symbols. Each character in a JavaScript string can be accessed by an index number, and all strings have methods and properties available to them.