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How To Serve Flask Applications with uWSGI and Nginx on Ubuntu 16.04
Tutorials Flask Nginx Python Python Frameworks Ubuntu Ubuntu 16.04
Introduction> Introduction # In this guide, we will be setting up a simple Python application using the Flask micro-framework on Ubuntu 16.04. The bulk of this article will be about how to set up the uWSGI application server to launch the application and Nginx to act as a front end reverse proxy.
How To Install Python 3 and Set Up a Programming Environment on an Ubuntu 16.04 Server
Tutorials Development Python
###Introduction This tutorial will get your Ubuntu 16.04 or Debian 8 server set up with a Python 3 programming environment. Programming on a server has many advantages and makes it easier for teams to collaborate on a development project.
How To Write Conditional Statements in Python 3
Tutorials Development Python
Introduction> Introduction # Conditional statements are part of every programming language. With conditional statements, we can have code that sometimes runs and at other times does not run, depending on the conditions of the program at that time.
How To Set Up Python 2.7.6 and 3.3.3 on CentOS 6.4
Tutorials CentOS Python
Status: Deprecated> Status: Deprecated # This article covers a version of CentOS that is no longer supported. If you are currently operating a server running CentOS 6, we highly recommend upgrading or migrating to a supported version of CentOS.
How To Scrape Web Pages with Beautiful Soup and Python 3
Tutorials Data Analysis Development Programming Project Python
Introduction> Introduction # Many data analysis, big data, and machine learning projects require scraping websites to gather the data that you’ll be working with. The Python programming language is widely used in the data science community, and therefore has an ecosystem of modules and tools that you can use in your own projects.
How To Use *args and **kwargs in Python 3
Tutorials Development Python
Introduction> Introduction # In function definitions, parameters are named entities that specify an argument that a given function can accept. When programming, you may not be aware of all the possible use cases of your code, and may want to offer more options for future programmers working with the module, or for users interacting with the code.
How To Define Functions in Python 3
Tutorials Development Python
Introduction> Introduction # A function is a block of instructions that performs an action and, once defined, can be reused. Functions make code more modular, allowing you to use the same code over and over again.
How To Write Modules in Python 3
Tutorials Development Python
Introduction> Introduction # Python modules are .py files that consist of Python code. Any Python file can be referenced as a module. Some modules are available through the Python Standard Library and are therefore installed with your Python installation.
How To Perform Sentiment Analysis in Python 3 Using the Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK)
Tutorials Data Analysis Development Programming Project Python
The author selected the Open Internet/Free Speech fund to receive a donation as part of the Write for DOnations program. Introduction> Introduction # A large amount of data that is generated today is unstructured, which requires processing to generate insights.
How To Use Fabric To Automate Administration Tasks And Deployments
Tutorials Configuration Management Python Ubuntu
Introduction> Introduction # Let’s automate things. Everything. Let’s also figure out a way to do this using a single tool. One that is easy to program, easy to use. And why not do all this with nothing but SSH installed on the remote machine – all commands scripted at a single location for executing locally or on any number of various servers.
Understanding Boolean Logic in Python 3
Tutorials Development Python
Introduction> Introduction # The Boolean data type can be one of two values, either True or False. We use Booleans in programming to make comparisons and to determine the flow of control in a given program.
How To Serve Django Applications with Apache and mod_wsgi on Ubuntu 16.04
Tutorials Apache Django Python Python Frameworks Ubuntu Ubuntu 16.04
Introduction> Introduction # Django is a powerful web framework that can help you get your Python application or website off the ground quickly. Django includes a simplified development server for testing your code locally, but for anything even slightly production related, a more secure and powerful web server is required.
How To Set Up a Jupyter Notebook to Run IPython on Ubuntu 16.04
Tutorials Miscellaneous Python Ubuntu 16.04
Introduction> Introduction # IPython is an interactive command-line interface to Python. Jupyter Notebook offers an interactive web interface to many languages, including IPython. This article will walk you through setting up a server to run Jupyter Notebook as well as teach you how to connect to and use the notebook.
How To Make a Web Application Using Flask in Python 3
Tutorials Development Programming Project Python Python Frameworks SQLite
The author selected the Free and Open Source Fund to receive a donation as part of the Write for DOnations program. Introduction> Introduction # Flask is a small and lightweight Python web framework that provides useful tools and features that make creating web applications in Python easier.
How To Use Web APIs in Python 3
Tutorials API Development Programming Project Python
Introduction> Introduction # An API, or Application Program Interface, enables developers to integrate one app with another. They expose some of a program’s inner workings in a limited way. You can use APIs to get information from other programs or to automate things you normally do in your web browser.
How To Use List Methods in Python 3
Tutorials Development Python
Introduction> Introduction # Python 3 has a number of built-in data structures, including lists. Data structures provide us with a way to organize and store data, and we can use built-in methods to retrieve or manipulate that data.
How To Set Up Django with Postgres, Nginx, and Gunicorn on Ubuntu 16.04
Tutorials Django Nginx PostgreSQL Python Python Frameworks Ubuntu Ubuntu 16.04
Introduction> Introduction # Django is a powerful web framework that can help you get your Python application or website off the ground. Django includes a simplified development server for testing your code locally, but for anything even slightly production related, a more secure and powerful web server is required.
How To Serve Flask Applications with uWSGI and Nginx on Ubuntu 18.04
Tutorials Flask Nginx Python Python Frameworks Ubuntu Ubuntu 18.04
Introduction> Introduction # In this guide, you will build a Python application using the Flask microframework on Ubuntu 18.04. The bulk of this article will be about how to set up the uWSGI application server and how to launch the application and configure Nginx to act as a front-end reverse proxy.
How To Use Variables in Python 3
Tutorials Development Python
Introduction> Introduction # Variables are an important programming concept to master. They are essentially symbols that stand in for a value you’re using in a program. This tutorial will cover some variable basics and how to best use them within the Python 3 programs you create.
How To Create a Server to Send Push Notifications with GCM to Android Devices Using Python
Tutorials Messaging Python Ubuntu
Introduction> Introduction # Push notifications let your Android application notify a user of an event, even when the user is not using your app. The goal of this tutorial is to send a simple push notification to your app.