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How To Install and Configure Django with Postgres, Nginx, and Gunicorn
Tutorials Django Nginx PostgreSQL Python
Prerequisites> Prerequisites # This tutorial assumes you have already set up your droplet (VPS) with Debian 7 or a similar distro of Linux (such as Ubuntu). If you have not already done this, please follow the tutorial on setting up a droplet here.
How To Use Celery with RabbitMQ to Queue Tasks on an Ubuntu VPS
Tutorials Messaging Python Scaling Ubuntu
Introduction> Introduction # Asynchronous, or non-blocking, processing is a method of separating the execution of certain tasks from the main flow of a program. This provides you with several advantages, including allowing your user-facing code to run without interruption.
How To Install the Django Web Framework on Ubuntu 14.04
Tutorials Django Python Python Frameworks Ubuntu
Introduction> Introduction # Django is a full-featured Python web framework for developing dynamic websites and applications. Using Django, you can quickly create Python web applications and rely on the framework to do a good deal of the heavy lifting.
How To Set Up Django with Postgres, Nginx, and Gunicorn on Ubuntu 14.04
Tutorials Deployment Django Nginx Python Python Frameworks Ubuntu
Introduction> Introduction # Django is a powerful web framework that can help you get your Python application or website off the ground. Django includes a simplified development server for testing your code locally, but for anything even slightly production related, a more secure and powerful web server is required.
Built-in Python 3 Functions for Working with Numbers
Tutorials Development Python
Introduction> Introduction # Python 3 comes with many built-in functions that you can readily use in any program that you’re working on. Some functions enable you to convert data types, and others are specific to a certain type, like strings.
How To Crawl A Web Page with Scrapy and Python 3
Tutorials Development Programming Project Python
Introduction> Introduction # Web scraping, often called web crawling or web spidering, is the act of programmatically going over a collection of web pages and extracting data, and is a powerful tool for working with data on the web.
How To Handle Plain Text Files in Python 3
Tutorials Development Python
Introduction> Introduction # Python is a great tool for processing data. Some of the most common tasks in programming involve reading, writing, or manipulating data. For this reason, it’s especially useful to know how to handle different file formats which store different types of data.
Data Analysis and Visualization with pandas and Jupyter Notebook in Python 3
Tutorials Data Analysis Development Programming Project Python
Introduction> Introduction # The Python pandas package is used for data manipulation and analysis, designed to let you work with labeled or relational data in an intuitive way. The pandas package offers spreadsheet functionality, but because you’re working with Python, it is much faster and more efficient than a traditional graphical spreadsheet program.
How To Use PostgreSQL with your Django Application on Ubuntu 14.04
Tutorials Django PostgreSQL Python Python Frameworks Ubuntu
Introduction> Introduction # Django is a flexible framework for quickly creating Python applications. By default, Django applications are configured to store data into a lightweight SQLite database file. While this works well under some loads, a more traditional DBMS can improve performance in production.
How To Serve Flask Applications with Gunicorn and Nginx on Ubuntu 14.04
Tutorials Deployment Nginx Python Python Frameworks Ubuntu
Introduction> Introduction # In this guide, we will be setting up a simple Python application using the Flask micro-framework on Ubuntu 14.04. The bulk of this article will be about how to set up the Gunicorn application server to launch the application and Nginx to act as a front end reverse proxy.
How To Build a Neural Network to Recognize Handwritten Digits with TensorFlow
Tutorials Development Machine Learning Programming Project Python
Introduction> Introduction # Neural networks are used as a method of deep learning, one of the many subfields of artificial intelligence. They were first proposed around 70 years ago as an attempt at simulating the way the human brain works, though in a much more simplified form.
How To Construct For Loops in Python 3
Tutorials Development Python
Using loops in computer programming allows us to automate and repeat similar tasks multiple times. In this tutorial, we’ll be covering Python’s for loop. A for loop implements the repeated execution of code based on a loop counter or loop variable.
How To Serve Flask Applications with Gunicorn and Nginx on Ubuntu 18.04
Tutorials Nginx Python Python Frameworks Ubuntu Ubuntu 18.04
Introduction> Introduction # In this guide, you will build a Python application using the Flask microframework on Ubuntu 18.04. The bulk of this article will be about how to set up the Gunicorn application server and how to launch the application and configure Nginx to act as a front-end reverse proxy.
How To Make a Calculator Program in Python 3
Tutorials Development Programming Project Python
Introduction> Introduction # The Python programming language is a great tool to use when working with numbers and evaluating mathematical expressions. This quality can be utilized to make useful programs.
How To Process Incoming Request Data in Flask
Tutorials Python Python Frameworks
Introduction> Introduction # Web applications frequently require processing incoming request data from users. This payload can be in the shape of query strings, form data, and JSON objects. Flask, like any other web framework, allows you to access the request data.
A Comparison of Web Servers for Python Based Web Applications
Tutorials Conceptual Python
Introduction> Introduction # In this article, we will talk about three main things: Python, Web Servers, and most importantly the bits and bobs in-between the two. Jokes aside, this rather long article might seem dire for some looking for quick guidance or answers.
A Guide to Time Series Forecasting with ARIMA in Python 3
Tutorials Data Analysis Development Programming Project Python
Introduction> Introduction # Time series provide the opportunity to forecast future values. Based on previous values, time series can be used to forecast trends in economics, weather, and capacity planning, to name a few.
How To Import Modules in Python 3
Tutorials Development Python
Introduction> Introduction # The Python programming language comes with a variety of built-in functions. Among these are several common functions, including: print() which prints expressions out abs() which returns the absolute value of a number
How to Deploy Python WSGI Apps Using Gunicorn HTTP Server Behind Nginx
Tutorials Nginx Python
Introduction> Introduction # Perhaps it was the article on Python Web Server Comparison tempting you to switch, or the the fact that you have simply outgrown your current application deployment stack.
How To Construct While Loops in Python 3
Tutorials Development Python
Introduction> Introduction # Computer programs are great to use for automating and repeating tasks so that we don’t have to. One way to repeat similar tasks is through using loops. We’ll be covering Python’s while loop in this tutorial.