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Tools Open Source PHP WordPress

Paper Tower Boilerplate Theme

Welcome! This theme was created, with love, by Paper Tower. It may seem a bit strangely set up, but hopefully this document will clear some things up. The goal behind setting the theme up this way is for two purposes:

  1. Organization
  2. Unit Testing

There’s so much miscellaneous stuff that goes into every theme. Knowing where things go can be a pain. This attempts to resolve that. From there, we want to make it possible to unit test all of this in the future, making the themes even more robust and safe to update. The OOP model lends itself to convenient unit testing.

Getting Started

Setting Up Locally

Everything can be done from the command-line. First, make sure you have the following installed on your local machine:

From there, cd into the theme directory on the command-line and, the first time only run the following commands:

npm install
composer install

This will install the necessary node and composer modules to get working. If more packages are added during development, it may be necessary to run either of those commands, again.

Compiling Sass and JavaScript

There are really two scenarios for compiling Sass and JS. First is when you’re working and building things. Second is when you’re finished and are pushing to the repository and/or production.

Working Locally

In this scenario, the compiled code will be an expanded, easy to ready format that’s useful for debugging. To begin, run the following from the theme directory:

npm run watch

This will turn on the watching of files and provide you with URL’s for testing locally as well as on devices on your local network. Live reload is enabled so simply save files and any browser or device viewing the website will automatically refresh to reflect the changes.

Finalizing Changes

Once you’re finished and are ready to commit your work, run the following command:

npm run production

This will create optimized and minified versions of the code that are production-ready. You only need to run this once before committing.

File Organization & Namespaces


All files that are intended to be downloaded from the browser (assets) such as fonts, images, js, and css files, are in the assets directory.


All non-template PHP files for managing and configuring the theme are in the src directory. This follows the PSR-4 autoloader standard with Theme as the base namespace. So, for example, the Media class found in src/Configuration/Media belongs to the namespace ConfigurationMedia. What’s great about this is that if you see a class used you can easily find where the file is from the namespace. Brilliant!
If namespaces are new to you, take a crash course in the PHP Namespace Documentation.


The default WordPress template structure is a mess. It all goes in the theme root and can quickly become overwhelming. For that reason, this theme allows for an alternative template structure.
Every template, except for header.php and footer.php (due to WP limitations) are contained in the views directory. The directory is broken up into Base, Partials, Post Type, Taxonomy, and Sidebar. If you look in the folders you’ll find it’s fairly intuitive, the only real sections that need attention are for post types and taxonomies.
Post types and taxonomies follow the same file naming convention as before, except custom post types don’t need the post type in the file name, such as single-projects.php — instead that would be views/Post Type/projects/single.php. Same with the archive. Unique files, such as page.php remain the same, so that would be views/Post Type/page/page.php. This applies to category.php, attachment.php, etc. Follow the WordPress template naming convention.
Custom templates also got a slight improvement. Now, when a template (with the /** Template Name **/ comment block) is inside of a post type’s directory, it’s automatically associated to that post type. Adding the Template Post Type won’t hurt anything.
Any WordPress template not mentioned is, by default, in the Base directory. Remember, too, that the normal root structure is still supported, if all else fails.

Quick Reference & FAQ

The following should help you find what you’re looking for quickly. If it’s not, we need to improve something.

Adding Image Sizes

Go to /src/Configuration/Media and modify the add_image_sizes method.

Adding Post Types

In the src/PostType directory duplicate the Example.php (or an existing) post type file. Then change the SLUG constant and set the labels and registration arguments. Give the file and post type a unique name that matches the post type name.
Once you’re finished, go to the src/Theme.php file and add the post type class to the array found in the get_custom_post_type_services() method.

Extending Existing Post Types

This is just about the same as adding a custom post type. The only difference is that you don’t need to extend BasePostType and therefore don’t need the extra methods from the abstract…