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Tools Open Source PHP WordPress


Modern development tools for WordPress (very rough & experimental.)


Basic ORM – model your application’s objects, query them and relate them together on any fields. (50% working)
Validation – half-working. You can specify validation methods in the models (is_string, is_email, is_ClassName) and the thing will spit at you if you pass in the wrong data


For instance, if I were building a directory of surly greengrocers: —

 * Define some models for our shops and shopkeepers --
class Shop extends ThomasModel {

	 * Add fields to objects (stored as post meta)
	protected $fields = [

	 * Validate your data before saving so you don't accidentally
	 * destroy everything and lose your hard-earned reputation:
	protected $validations = [
		'location' => 'is_string'
		'temperament' => [
			'$val <= 5', // basic conditional support
			'$val > 0'


class Shopkeeper extends ThomasModel {

	protected $fields = [

	 * Create arbitrary relationships between objects,
	 * just specify the name of the class you created:
	protected $relations = [
		'works_at' => 'Shop'

	protected $validations = [
		'name' => [
		'temperament' => 'is_string'


$shop = new Shop();
$shop->location = 'High Street';

$greengrocer = new Shopkeeper();
$greengrocer->works_at = $grocer;

 * You only need to save the highest-level object,
 * related objects are saved automatically:

// You can also pass arrays into the constructor:
$greengrocer2 = new Shopkeeper( [
	'name' => 'Tim';
	'works_at' => new Shop( [
		'location' => 'South Street'
	] ),
	'temperament' => 'polite'
] );


 * You can now query the greengrocers model by
 * chaining methods -- much nicer than faffing with
 * WP_Query:
$collection = Shopkeeper::where( 'temperament', '==', 'polite' )->get();

 * ThomasCollections are very basic right now. You can
 * get the first, last items and enumerate them --
var_dump( $collection->first() );