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Toolbar Extras for Give Donations – Manage GiveWP Donation Campaigns Even Faster

Contributors: daveshine, deckerweb, wpautobahn, toolbarextras
Donate link:
Tags: toolbar, adminbar, admin bar, givewp, donations, fundraising, donate, donation, campagin, manage, deckerweb, ddwtoolbar
Requires at least: 4.7
Tested up to: 5.2
Requires PHP: 5.6
Stable tag: 1.0.1
License: GPL-2.0-or-later
License URI:
Managing Donations with GiveWP? Here’s to easier & faster fundraising with this Toolbar Extras Add-On. Extension support baked right in.


🚀 Quick Access to Your Donation Campaigns with Give directly from your Toolbar. View and edit your donation transactions, donors and form campaigns. Access reports and typical filter views directly from the Admin Bar – within the Admin or from the frontend of your site.

original video link by plugin developer David Decker
Long version video (full walkthrough) // Install & setup video
Perfect for non-profit organisations and private donation fundraising campaigns: This smart WordPress plugin just adds missed and very useful admin links for Give Donations to your Toolbar / Admin Bar. Save mouse travel and scrolling time. Get more productive – and focus on your campaigns instead of searching for settings … 😉
ℹ️ Essential: Toolbar Extras for Give Donations is an Add-On plugin, it requires the base plugin “Toolbar Extras”.
ℹ️ Important: “Give Donations” (GiveWP) is a free plugin for WordPress by GiveWP/, LLC.
ℹ️ Disclaimer: Toolbar Extras for Give Donations is an independent free plugin by David Decker from DECKERWEB. It does not represent GiveWP/, LLC.

♥️ Features – What the Plugin Does

  • Set a Featured Form Campaign as top-level item: See earnings (income) at first sight – plus: deep links to payments, settings etc.
  • Bring all GiveWP Components into your Toolbar: Donation Payments, Donors, Reports, Form Campaigns, Settings, Add-Ons
  • Quick access to Reports, including typical filter views (sub views, tabs, sections)
  • All special GiveWP pages (Give Shortcodes) at your fingertips for live preview and editing
  • Optional Views Filter for filtering all GiveWP-specific pages on the Page Edit screen
  • Quick jump links for all Settings, Tools, even from Give Add-Ons
  • Up to 30 Add-On settings for customizing the experience (components, features, icon, position, label, etc.)
  • Give Add-On (Extensions) directly integrated where possible and useful (only when Extension is active, of course) – for Add-On listings see below
  • Resources – deep links to GiveWP documentation (knowledge base); also for Add-Ons
  • Additional Give Toolbar settings submenu item – for WordPress Admin Menu

👍 More Benefits

  • Non-bloated, already familiar interface (the WP Toolbar)
  • Customizeable: make it pretty with your favorite icons and use custom titles and URLs for the top-level items
  • Get more focused on your mission, save mouse travel and scrolling time, be more productive with donation management!
  • Perfect for non-profit organisations and private donation campaigns – let the Toolbar work for you!
  • Any items are only loaded when needed
  • Fully internationalized and translatable (but can be disabled if ever needed)
  • Use all the other awesome features of Toolbar Extras base plugin – to speed up your non-donation work as well! 😉

🔌 Supported/ Integrated Offical (Premium) GiveWP Add-Ons/ Extensions

  • All below are paid premium extensions made by GiveWP/, LLC!
  • Recurring Donations – Allows for Subscriptions
  • PDF Receipts
  • Annual Receipts
  • Currency Switcher
  • Form Field Manager
  • Manual Donations
  • Stripe – Payment Gateway
  • PayPal Pro – Payment Gateway
  • Sofort (Klarna) – Payment Gateway
  • Paymill – Payment Gateway
  • Google Analytics – Donation Tracking
  • Tributes
  • Fee Recovery – Recover payment gateway fees
  • Gift Aid – for this specific program of the UK Government
  • Zapier – dozens of third-party integrations/ connections possible
  • Mailchimp – Email marketing
  • ConvertKit – Email marketing
  • AWeber – Email marketing
  • Constant Contact – Email marketing
  • Note: Support for more premium Add-Ons by GiveWP will be integrated/ added over time

🔌 Supported/ Integrated Third-party GiveWP Add-Ons/ Extensions

  • Mailchimp for WP (free, by ibericode) – with dedicated, built-in extension for GiveWP!
  • WP HTML Mail (free, by Hannes Etzelstorfer/ codemiq KG) – with dedicated (free) extension for GiveWP called Give Donation – Email Template
  • Builder Template Categories (free, by David Decker – DECKERWEB) – categorize Give donation forms – use categories as “global” categories also with other integrations of this plugin
  • Members (free, by Justin Tadlock) – manage user roles and capabilities (permissions), including for all dedicated GiveWP roles!
  • Members – GiveWP Integration (Premium, by Justin Tadlock) – even better special GiveWP integration for the awesome Members plugin!
  • Simple Social…