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Toolbar Extras for Oxygen Builder – Power Up Your Admin Bar

Contributors: daveshine, deckerweb, wpautobahn, toolbarextras
Donate link:
Tags: toolbar, adminbar, admin bar, oxygen, page builder, website, site builder, deckerweb, ddwtoolbar
Requires at least: 4.7
Tested up to: 5.2
Requires PHP: 5.6
Stable tag: 1.2.0
License: GPL-2.0-or-later
License URI:
Building websites with Oxygen? Your work will get easier & faster with this Toolbar Extras Add-On. Extended plugin support baked right in.


🚀 Quick Access to Your Oxygen Site Building Resources – Big Time Saver. Perfect for Non-Techies and Non-Coder Designers.
This smart WordPress plugin just adds some missed and very useful Oxygen-specific admin links to your Toolbar / Admin Bar. Save scrolling travel and time. Access settings and content pages faster from one central area in the Admin Dashboard AND when on the frontend of your site. Plus few optimizations for Oxygen’s own Toolbar within the Builder :-).

original video link by plugin developer David Decker
ℹ️ Essential: Toolbar Extras for Oxygen Builder is an Add-On plugin, it requires the base plugin “Toolbar Extras”.
ℹ️ Important: “Oxygen Builder” is a premium plugin for WordPress by Soflyy.
ℹ️ Disclaimer: Toolbar Extras for Oxygen Builder is an independent free plugin by David Decker from DECKERWEB. It does not represent Soflyy/ Oxygen.

♥️ Features – What the Plugin Does

  • More links for the “Back to WP” section in Oxygen Builder interface itself — Oxygen Templates, WordPress Pages, WooCommerce Products, Oxygen User Elements Library
  • Optionally open those “Back to WP” links in a new tab/ window — perfect for previewing your templates/ pages …
  • Useful Row action “Edit with Oxygen” for all Oxygen Template post types, plus any item of an Oxygen-enabled post type that contains an Oxygen Element already
  • Useful Post State “Oxygen” appended to all post type items edited with Oxygen – for example for Pages
  • Registers Oxygen Builder – set as default Builder for the “Build” Group
  • Adds Oxygen Templates links to the “Build” Group in the Toolbar, including Reusable Parts and User Elements Library (2.3+)
  • Optionally adds list of Oxygen Templates to the Toolbar as extra group
  • Optionally adds list of Oxygen-edited Pages to the Toolbar as extra group
  • Label tweaks and additions for Oxygen Templates in the “New Content” Group
  • Adds Website install wizard/ Importer to the Toolbar “Build” Group as well – for faster access
  • Adds all Oxygen settings and settings tabs links to the Toolbar
  • Adds links to settings of Oxygen Add-On Plugins (only if these are active)
  • Adds lots of official and Community resources to the Toolbar (optional, can be disabled via settings) – documentation, forum, Facebook Group etc.
  • Frontend only: The original Oxygen Toolbar item can be customized – icon, location, label
  • Add additional view to filter Oxygen Reusable Parts only – in Templates post type list table (overview table)
  • Proper highlighting of Templates submenu in Oxygen’s admin menu – so you always know where you are
  • Adds new tab on plugin’s settings page (under “Settings > Toolbar Extras > Tab: Oxygen”) so you have control over what is displayed and what’s not!
  • Corrected post type labels for Oxygen Templates (‘ct_template’) and User Elements Library (‘oxy_user_library’) where needed
  • Use any other “global” Toolbar Extras feature like automatic detection of Local Development Enviroment, Dev Mode, and lots of customization options

👍 More Benefits

  • Any items are only loaded if needed
  • Perfect integration into Toolbar Extras’ items and settings (of course)
  • Non-Techie and Non-Coder Designer friendly 🙂
  • At the same time very developer friendly as well – offering quite a few action hooks and filters for customization if needed 😉
  • Clean and efficient code
  • Fully internationalized and translateable – also tested/optimized for RTL languages

🔌 Oxygen Add-On Support/ Integration

  • Official: Oxygen Gutenberg Integration (Premium, by Soflyy) — For the Block Editor
  • Official: Oxygen Elements for WooCommerce (Premium, by Soflyy)
  • Oxygens Swiss Knife (free, by Marko Krstic)
  • Oxygen Theme Enabler (free, by Sridhar Katakam) — Note: The settings of this Add-On will be considered for Toolbar items! 😉
  • Builder Template Categories (free, by David Decker – DECKERWEB)
  • My Custom Functionality (free, by Sridhar Katakam)
  • Oxygen Block Lab Support (free, by David Browne)
  • Oxygen EDD Support (free, by David Browne)
  • Oxygen RCP Support (free, by David Browne)

👉 A Typical Workflow / Usage

  • Install Oxygen Builder, Toolbar Extras, plus the Toolbar Extras Oxygen Add-On – in that order
  • In Toolbar Extras settings set Oxygen as your default “Page Builder”, set optional background color of Toolbar etc.
  • In the Oxygen-specific settings enable or disable various tweaks regarding Oxygen in WP-Admin, the Toolbar, and the Builder itself
  • When working on…