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Tools Open Source PHP WordPress

Toolbar Extras for Elementor & More – WordPress Admin Bar Enhanced

Contributors: daveshine, deckerweb, wpautobahn, toolbarextras
Donate link:
Tags: toolbar, admin bar, elementor, page builder, gutenberg, adminbar, block editor, genesiswp, astra, themes, menu, links, settings, usability, deckerweb, ddwtoolbar
Requires at least: 4.7
Tested up to: 5.3
Requires PHP: 5.6
Stable tag: 1.4.9
License: GPL-2.0-or-later
License URI:
Building sites with Elementor & more? Your work will get easier & faster with Toolbar Extras. With extended plugin & theme support baked right in.


πŸš€ Quick Access to Your Site Building Resources – Big Time Saver. Perfect for Non-Techies and Non-Coder Designers.
This smart WordPress plugin just adds some missed and very useful admin links to your Toolbar / Admin Bar. Save scrolling and time. Access settings and content pages faster from one central area in the Admin Dashboard AND when on the frontend of your site.

original video link by plugin developer David Decker
Out of the box the plugin includes support for hundreds of awesome third-party Plugins and Themes. Create Elementor templates right from the Toolbar, jump to Granular Controls settings or with one click you are on the Plugin Installer page to upload a new Elementor premium Add-On. Yes, it’s so easy and fast.
Or customize any Theme settings of Astra theme via Customizer Deep links right at your fingertips – in the Toolbar. An optimized workflow to save you precious time. I released this plugin to the public to speed up your site building process even more – as the plugin already helps myself for a long, long time.

β™₯️ Features – What the Plugin Does

  • Adds Page Builder links: Elementor & Elementor Pro – for example just add a new Elementor Template from the Toolbar, where Elementor builder loads right away and you begin building, yeah! 😁
  • Adds links for Elementor Add-On Plugins
  • Adds links for Elementor-friendly Themes, that also Support Elementor Theme Builder (Pro Version 2.0+)
  • Adds links for general, very useful Plugins (for Site Builders/ Designers/ Developers)
  • Enhances “New Content” section (under “+ New”) with more links – for content types, as well as Plugin & Theme installs
  • Enhances the WP Comments section (bubble icon)
  • Adds new groups & links to “Site” section (under your Website Title in Toolbar)
  • Automatic detection of Local Development Environment – to better differentiate your development and live sites (works best with the App “Local by Flywheel” and a .local domain)
  • Adds support for creating an “internal” new Menu for Admins which hooks into the Toolbar – using the regular WordPress nav menu system! (Menu location is: “Site Toolbar Menu”)
  • Adds useful external resource links to most of the above mentioned sections (could be disabled, of course!)
  • A few smart tweaks to change some behavior of WordPress as well as some plugins – all regarding the Toolbar – for example tweak the Howdy/Welcome item at the top right
  • Some links/ tools aimed more for developers and local development (disabled by default, though)
  • Adds plugin settings page (under “Settings > Toolbar Extras”) so you have control over what is displayed and what’s not!
  • Any code is only loaded if needed – Example: if a supported plugin is not active, the links for it won’t even be loaded code-wise!
  • Non-Techie and Non-Coder Designer friendly πŸŽ‰
  • Clean and efficient code
  • Developer friendly – offering quite a few action hooks and filters for customization if needed
  • Fully internationalized and translatable – also tested/optimized for RTL languages
  • ▢️ Video feature tour throughout the plugin
  • ▢️ Video live demos, tutorials, Add-Ons and more

πŸ‘ Elementor & Elementor Pro Support

  • Adds lots of Elementor Quick Jump Links to the Toolbar
  • Perfect for all Elementor users!
  • Elementor (free) version 2.x (and also former 1.x)
  • Elementor Pro (Premium) version 2.x (and also former 1.x) – Theme Builder and Popup Builder
  • 1-Click Template Creation: Start the Live Editor and create a new template (or page, post, custom post type) at the same time, with only one click – so easy!
  • Elementor Finder feature integration – Elementor external resources links, plus settings & support for Toolbar Extras itself
  • Elementor Debugger supported – optionally re-hook from top-level into Build Group
  • Elementor actions – regenerate CSS (clear cache) and re-synching the external library

🎨 Supported Themes/ Frameworks