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Tools Open Source PHP WordPress
=== Tools4Shuls ===
Contributors: tools4shuls
Donate link:
Tags: t4s, tools4shuls
Requires at least: 3.0.1
Tested up to: 4.1
Stable tag:
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI:

Tools 4 Shuls provides Synagogues and Jewish Organizations with cutting edge website applications at an affordable price.

== Description ==

The Tools 4 Shuls WordPress plugin provides new and existing Tools 4 Shuls clients with integrated access to manage Calendar and Donations within their WordPress admin panel.  Tools 4 Shuls was designed from the ground up, specifically for synagogues and Jewish non-profits, and has been in use by dozens of organizations since 2007.

Tools 4 Shuls Calendar:

    Automatically display every Jewish holiday, Hebrew date, local candle lighting & havdallah time and Torah portion
    Accept RSVPs and credit card payments online for upcoming events
    Sort events by categories
    Display events on any page of your website
    Create private events for internal planning
    Display events in day, week, month or year views
    Search for events quickly and easily
    Mobile platform - allows viewing, rsvps and payments through mobile devices!

Tools 4 Shuls Donations:

    Accept all major credit cards and Paypal
    Easily create new donation options for temporary or ongoing fundraisers
    Encourage donations to multiple funds in one transaction
    Set up Campaigns -- Fundraise toward a goal
    Receive tribute instructions from donors
    Manage funds and donations through a user-friendly admin panel
    Send auto-generated "thank you" emails to donors
    Allow different people within your organization to receive email notifications when donations are made to specific funds

More information available at  Tools 4 Shuls requires a subscription and low monthly payments.  Sign up today at

== Installation ==

1. Upload the entire t4s directory to your `/wp-content/plugins/` directory or search for tools4shuls in the "plugins->add new" section of your wordpress admin
2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
3. Enter your Tools 4 Shuls username/password to import your existing data or set up your new account. Note: you must register a new account at first.
4. Work with the plugin via the Tools4Shuls menu section of the dashboard.

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

= Who is this plugin for? =

Organizations in need of a full-featured calendar and donation system created specifically or synagogues and Jewish non-profits.  Tools 4 Shuls was created to integrate into new and existing websites - there's no need to redesign your site!

= Can we view a demo of the admin panel and capabilities before signing up? =

Visit to view full system details and demos

= How Much is a Tools 4 Shuls subscription? = 

Sticker price for the Donations and Calendar modules is normally just under $100/mo, but you can take advantage of these limited-time promotions:

    Include RSVPs and Payments with the Tools 4 Shuls Calendar - Now FREE (normally $18/mo)
    Use coupon code SAVEONT4S to save 50% when signing up for Calendar and Donations modules (that's just $36/mo)!

= What payment processors can I use? =

Tools 4 Shuls currently supports Paypal and  There are no monthly fees for either of these services, however you will need a Paypal Payments Standard account for your organization (you cannot use a personal account).

= Does Tools 4 Shuls keep a portion of the money we collect from our community memebers? = 

No!  Your payment processor (Paypal or will keep a small processing fee for each transacation, but Tools 4 Shuls does not keep anything other than your monthly subscription fee.  The money you collect for RSVP payments and donations goes directly from your members to you, and payment processing is handled securely by Paypal or

= What kind of Paypal account should we sign up for? = 

Here are full instructions (since it can get confusing):
    1. Start here:
    2. click the "Start now" button then select "business" and click "continue"
    3. Choose "Paypal Payments standard" (the "$0" section) on the next page, and then fill in all the appropriate info on the following pages.

Make sure you use a synagogue administrative email address -- not your own -- when you sign up. This will probably mean that you'll need to create a new account rather than upgrading an existing one. This account is completely free (aside from the roughly 3% per transaction fees).  you don't need any type of account that has monthly fees.

== Screenshots ==

1. Default view of a test Tools4Shuls account.

== Changelog ==

= 1.0 =
Plugin published.

== Upgrade Notice ==
