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Tools Open Source PHP WordPress
=== Tooltip Wp ===
Contributors: themepoints
Donate link:
Tags: css3,css3 tooltip,css3 tooltips,responsive,tooltip,nice tooltip,animated tooltip,tooltips
Requires at least: 3.8
Tested up to: 4.2.2
Stable tag: 1.1
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI:

Pure CSS3 & Lightweight Responsive Tooltip for wordpress.

== Description ==

Pure CSS3 Tooltips For WordPress is a lightweight, easy to use tooltips plugin for WordPress. It’s based on pure CSS3 and comes with some different style, different tooltip positions, optional tooltip headers, support for images.

### Tooltip Wp by

* [How to use? !»](

<strong>Plugin Features </strong>

* 5 Beautiful Style.
* Pure CSS3.
* CSS3 animation.
* Custom Width.
* Custom Height.
* Lightweight Responsive.
* Easy Option Panel.
* Easy Documentation.

<strong>How to use?</strong><br />

<span class=”top tipso_style” data-tipso=”This is a top Tooltip!”>Top</span>

<span class=”bottom tipso_style” data-tipso=”This is a bottom Tooltip!”>BOTTOM</span>

<span class=”left tipso_style” data-tipso=”This is a left Tooltip!”>LEFT</span>

<span class=”right tipso_style” data-tipso=”This is a right Tooltip!”>RIGHT</span>

== Installation ==

1. Install as regular WordPress plugin.
2. Go your Pluings setting via WordPress Dashboard and activate it.
3. After activate plugin you will see "Tool Tip" menu at left side on WordPress dashboard and find "Tooltip Option settings"<br />

<strong>How to use?</strong><br />

<span class=”top tipso_style” data-tipso=”This is a top Tooltip!”>Top</span>

<span class=”bottom tipso_style” data-tipso=”This is a bottom Tooltip!”>BOTTOM</span>

<span class=”left tipso_style” data-tipso=”This is a left Tooltip!”>LEFT</span>

<span class=”right tipso_style” data-tipso=”This is a right Tooltip!”>RIGHT</span>

== Screenshots ==

1. screenshot-1

== Changelog ==

= 1.1
* Fix issue in the settings page

= 1.0
* Initial release