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Translation Tools

Translation tools for your WordPress install.


Use any Locale, with or without Language Packs

With core Language Packs you can easily change the language of your WordPress install.
The Language Packs used to be provided only for 100% translated Locales.
To give teams with less contributors a better chance to get WordPress released into their Locale, since 22nd February 2021 the required translation status for core Language Packs to be built are as follows:

If you need a Locale that has no Language Packs yet, this tool helps you by enabling ALL Locales on the list of the available languages.

Compatible with plugin Preferred Languages

The plugin Preferred Languages overrides the standard languages field for site and user languages.
All the features added by Translation Tools are available for Preferred Languages users.

Update your WordPress, Plugins or Themes translation, on demand

If you need to update your WordPress core, Plugins or Themes translations on demand without waiting for a language pack to be generated, this tool allows you to manually update all the needed files for the installed version, with one click, in a few seconds.
Go to “Translations” on the Updates screen and choose what you want to update.

All WordPress core sub-projects

  • Development
  • Continents & Cities
  • Administration
  • Network Admin

All translation files

  • .po (editable translation files)
  • .mo (binary translation files)
  • .json (JavaScript translation files)

WordPress Translations tests and info in Site Health

Check your WordPress core translations in Site Health tests page.
The Site Health debug info shows the selected site and user languages, including multiple languages from the plugin Preferred Languages.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I find the full list of WordPress Locales?

Here is the complete list of all WordPress Locales.

Does my Locale have language packs?

Here is a list of the Locales WITH language packs.
Here is a list of the Locales WITH NO language packs.

My locale has language packs but the translation isn’t complete

You can force update the WordPress translation right from your Dashboard > Updates screen.
Click on the “Update WordPress Translation” and you’re done.
In a few seconds all the needed translation files (.po, .mo and .json) will be generated.

I can’t use my language in WordPress, themes and plugins because the Locale has no Language Packs

Now you can! Just install and activate this plugin to enable every possible Locales and translations.

My desired Locale doesn’t exist in the list

If your Locale doesn’t exist and you would like to request it, please click here.

Can I also update Plugins and Themes translations?

Yes, you can, since version 1.5.0.
On the Updates page you can choose to update translations for WordPress, Plugins, Themes, or all at once.
It will update the .po and .mo files, and also generate the needed .json files for JavaScript translations.

Is this plugin compatible with the plugin Preferred Languages?

Short anwser: yes!
The plugin Preferred Languages overrides the standard languages field for site and user languages.
Since version 1.2.0, this plugin is compatible with Preferred Languages 1.6.0.
All the features added by Translation Tools are available for Preferred Languages users.

Can I help translating this plugin to my own language?

Yes you can! If you want to translate this plugin to your language, please click here.

Can I contribute to this plugin?

Sure! You are welcome to report any issues or add feature suggestions on the GitHub repository.


  1. Language settings include Locales with NO Language Packs

  2. Button to Update WordPress Translation on demand

  3. Translations of all core sub-projects

  4. Sub-project details and files

  5. Notification of themes and plugins translations updates for Locales with no Language Packs

  6. Automatic theme translation update for Locale with no Language Packs

  7. Site Health test recommendation for incomplete WordPress translation

  8. Site Health test passed for complete WordPress translation

  9. Site Health debug info for site and user WordPress translations, compatible with Preferred Languages



  • Better report messages about translation project updates
  • Increase download timeout for slow speed connections
  • New filter to customize download timeout for big translation projects on slow speed connections
  • GitHub release process optimization


  • Fix i18n issue
  • Increase download timeout for slow speed connections
  • GitHub release process optimization


  • Add missing vendor files


  • Update your Plugins and Themes translations! (.po, .mo and .json)
  • Update action now loads on custom update-core dedicated page
  • Code refactoring to…