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Tools Open Source PHP WordPress
=== Kadence Themes Toolkit ===
Contributors: britner
Requires at least: 4.0
Tested up to: 4.8
Stable tag: 4.5
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI:

Custom Portfolio and Shortcode functionality for free Kadence WordPress Themes

== Description ==

Custom Portfolio and Shortcode functionality for free Kadence WordPress Themes, by Kadence Themes

Not intended to work with any other themes.

= Features =
* **Included Shortcodes**
 - Columns
 - Dividers
 - Accordions
 - Tabs
 - Quotes and Block Quotes
 - Buttons
 - Icons
 - Responsive Youtube
 - Responsive Vimeo

* **Portfolio Post Type** - included metabox options for post sliders and three post layout options. 

* **Contact Form Page Template** - includes page template that has options for a google map and a contact form.

* **Gallery Styling for WordPress Gallery** - this allows the Kadence Theme to override the WordPress gallery with theme specific styling. You can turn this off in the theme options > misc settings.

* **Gallery Metaboxs for post and pages** - allows for a gallery to be added to a post for a post slider or page for page slider using the featured template.

== Installation ==

Install the plugin into the `/wp-content/plugins/` folder, and activate it.

== Changelog ==

= 4.5 =
* Fix: issue of stripping out code.

= 4.4 =
* Update: New Welcome Page with helpful info.
* Update: Add local jquery.validator
* Update: Column shortcode gen.

= 4.3 =
* Update: add Icons
* Update: Add local select js
* Update: Ascend meta.
* Fix: Image processing issue.

= 4.2 =
* Update: Fix for Photon

= 4.1 =
* Update: Add Kadence Image processing.
* Update: Add profile meta boxes.
* Update: Add extras for ascend support.

= 4.0 =
* Update: add support for ascend

= 3.8 =
* Update: Contact page template in 4.7

= 3.7 =
* Update: Contact page template in 4.7

= 3.6 =
* Update: Few Small updates

= 3.5 =
* fix: Img src set for gallery.

= 3.4 =
* fix: Img src set for gallery.

= 3.3 =
* Add: Img src set for gallery.

= 3.2 =
* Add: filter for portfolio-type slug.
* Update: Page Template filter.
* Uddate: Button Shortcode output.
* Update: Portfolio Options.
* Update: Translation domain.

= 3.1 =
* Fix: Translation Issue.

= 3.0 =
* Fix: Translation Issue.

= 3.0 =
* Fix: Translation Issue
* Add: Customizer only off function.

= 2.9 =
* Add: permalink flush, update for feeds link.
* Add: Filter for permalink struture.
* Add: Better Plugin Description.
* Fix: Templater error on 404 pages.

= 2.8 =
* Add fix for some servers not loading correctly.
* Add filter to only show slider images on feature templates.

= 2.6 =
* Fix for checkboxes not saving correctly.
* Update security with contact forms.
* add custom fields support to portfolio post.

= 2.5 =
* Fix for older versions of pinnacle

= 2.4 =
* Fix for older versions of pinnacle

= 2.3 =
* Admin Gallery update.
* New option for lightbox size in gallery

= 2.2 =
* Big update, move theme metaboxes to plugin. 
* Add Contact form template to plugin.
* Add translation files

= 2.1 =
* Small gallery update

= 2.0 =
* Move gallery to plugin.
* Add button hover color.

= 1.9 =
* Fix some video shortcode issues.
* Add support for portfolio excerpt.
* Add support for pinnacle theme.
* 4.0 Support

= 1.8 =
* Add target option to button shortcode.

= 1.7 =
* Fix Missing files

= 1.6 =
* Updates for wordpress 3.9
* Add Youtube and Vimeo Buttons
* Add Even/Odd for accordion.

= 1.5 =
* Update for virtue 2.0

= 1.4 =
* Update for virtue 2.0

= 1.3 =
* Fix Blank Popup

= 1.2 =
* Updated code to use ajax.

= 1.0 =
* Initial Version.