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Web Scraping


Web Scraping


Apify Home Page

  • Free tier: 5,000 Free Page Crawls Per Month
  • Pros: Handles proxies, provides simple interface and url classification to make scraping easier
  • Limitations: Rate limited to 1 crawler at a time, data retention of 7 days.


ProxyCrawl Home Page

  • Free tier: 1,000 Free API Calls
  • Pros: Bypass blocks, captchas and allows to scrape javascript pages with a simple API without managing proxies. Supports all websites.
  • Limitations: Rate limited to 20 requests per second, may be increased upon request.

Scraper API

Scraper API Home Page

  • Free tier: 1,000 Free API Calls Per Month
  • Pros: Handles proxies, browsers, and CAPTCHAs for you, so you can scrape any web page with a simple API call.
  • Limitations: Rate limited to 5 requests per second, may be increased upon request.


PhantomJsCloud Home Page

  • Free tier: About 500 pages/day ($0.05/day in credit)
  • Pros: Browser Automation, PDF Generation, Screenshots, Full request/response details in JSON. Scales to hundreds of parallel requests.
  • Limitations: Free tier blocked from using the Builtin Anonymous Proxy system.