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Tools Open Source PHP WordPress
=== Website Toolbox Forums ===
Contributors: websitetoolbox
Tags: forum, message board, discussion board, discussion forum, bulletin board, community, saas forum, cloud forum, website forum, discussion group, online forum
Requires at least: 3.0.0
Tested up to: 4.3
Stable Tag: 1.3.0

Website Toolbox is the easiest way to create a powerful forum. This plugin embeds your Website Toolbox Forum and integrates single sign on.

== Description ==

Not a Website Toolbox Forum owner? <a href="">Create a Forum Now!</a>

Website Toolbox allows you to easily add a Forum to your website without any coding or software headaches! The Website Toolbox WordPress plugin is the easiest way to integrate a Website Toolbox forum into your WordPress site.

Ranked #1 forum provider by StarReviews!

 = The plugin has the following features: =

* Login Integration: Automatically logs the user into your forum when they login to your WordPress website.

* Registration Integration: Automatically creates a forum user account when a user registers on your WordPress website.

* Embedded forum: The forum is automatically embedded into the layout of your WordPress website.

= Key forum benefits: =

* Instant Setup
* Phone/Chat/Email Support
* SEO and Mobile friendly
* Fully Customizable
* Public or Private
* White Label

 = Key forum features: =

* Make money using ads or subscription fees
* Facebook Integration
* Instant Messaging
* Chat Room
* Share files and photos
* "Like" posts
* User reputation
* Announce and organize events
* Create polls
* Set user permissions
* Moderate content and users

<a href="">Learn More</a>

== Installation ==

### WordPress Admin Panel

1. Download the ZIP file.
2. Go to "Plugins" -> "Add New" from the left menu in the WordPress Admin Panel.
3. Click on the upload link, select the ZIP file, and click on the "Install Now" button.
4. Activate the plugin.
5. <a href="">Create a Website Toolbox Forum</a> if you don't already have one.
6. Click on the Settings link under the Website Toolbox Forum plugin.
7. Here, you may easily update your settings according to your Website Toolbox account information.
8. In the Settings -> Single Sign On section of your Website Toolbox account, specify the address of your website's Login, Logout, and Registration page to ensure that all forum logins occur using your website's login form.

Please <a href="">contact Customer Support</a> if you face any difficulties.

### Manual Installation
1. Upload the ZIP file to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory
2. Unzip the compressed plugin.
3. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
4. <a href="">Create a Website Toolbox Forum</a> if you don't already have one.
5. Click on the Settings link under the Website Toolbox Forum plugin.
6. Here, you may easily update your settings according to your Website Toolbox account information.
7. In the Settings -> Single Sign On section of your Website Toolbox account, specify the address of your website's Login, Logout, and Registration page to ensure that all forum logins occur using your website's login form.

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

= I don't allow registration on my WordPress site, can I still use the forum? =

Yes. If you don't have registration enabled on your WordPress site, your users can register an account directly on the forum. If you want users to be able to post without registering, you can simply enable guest posting or you can disable the User Accounts feature entirely so users don't even see the registration option.

== Changelog ==

= 1.3.0 =
* Now user deletion is synchronized as well
* Integrates SSO with the chat room if the chat room is enabled.
* Uses a fallback SSO method for Safari

= 1.2.4 =
* Fixed a glitch which restarted already active sessions.
* Embed and SSO URLs are now automatically synchronized.

= 1.2.3 =
* If a user logs in on WordPress and that user doesn't exist on the forum, we now auto-create the account on the forum.
* Now using the WordPress API functions to show the forum's settings page.
* Now checking API key upon submitting the settings page.
* Increased tested up to version.

= 1.2.2 =
* Fixed additional issues involving SSO logout when a redirect is involved

= 1.2.1 =
* Fixed a glitch involving SSO not working if a redirect is involved
* Fixed a glitch involving an embedded forum not auto sizing in some cases

= 1.2.0 =
* When embedding the forum into a page, it now automatically resizes according to the height of the forum content so that no scrollbar will appear.
* Added support for forums using SSL (https).

= 1.1.0 =
* Removed redirection to profile.php upon login.
* Removed the need to write IMG tags in wordpress files to avoid read/write permissions.