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Tools Open Source Sync WordPress
=== Woocommerce Bookings Google Calendar Sync ===

Tags: woocommerce, google calendar, sync, bookings

Requires at least: 3.0.1
Tested up to: 4.1
Stable tag: trunk
License: GPLv3
License URI:

== Description ==

Woocommerce Bookings Google Calendar Sync helps to synchronise bookings from Google Calendar to   Woocommerce booking as well as woocommerce bookings 2 Google calendar.  things are really easy now.   In few click  using Google calendar now you can add your booking in woocommerce bookings.  you don't need to log in WordPress dashboard to add new booking anymore.

Features : 
1- Synchronize woocommerce bookings from woocommerce to Google calendar.
2- Synchronize woocommerce bookings from Google calendar to woocommerce.
3- Manual synchronization functionality.
4- Auto synchronization functionality.

== Installation ==
1. Upload `google-calendar-woocommerce-bookings-two-way-sync` to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory
2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
3. Visit Ninja Bookings and enter your information exactly like you did with WooCommerce Bookings

== Frequently Asked Questions ==
= Q: Do I have to have WooCommerce Bookings Installed? =
A: Yes, you can buy it from the wonderful team at WooCommerce.

== Changelog ==

= 1.0 =
Initial Release

= 1.1 - 08/09/2017 =

Added - feature for time base booking.

= 1.3 - 17/04/2017 =

Added - Support for max number of future event from Google Calendar.
Added - Get event by calendar id.