Open Source
WordPress Code Review
Generate Quality Assurance tests for public WordPress plugins and store them as static HTML pages.
Install procedure
Install the required packages (LAMP stack & PHPMyAdmin)
sudo apt-get install -y apache2 mysql-server php7.4 php-sqlite3 curl phpmyadmin chromium-browser wpcloc pngquant subversion
Store the phpmyadmin password in “./app/config/config.ini”/
Install chrome and chromedriver
sudo apt-get install unzip && a=$(uname -m) && rm -r /tmp/chromedriver/
mkdir /tmp/chromedriver/ &&
wget -O /tmp/chromedriver/LATEST_RELEASE http://chromedriver.storage.googleapis.com/LATEST_RELEASE &&
if [ $a == i686 ]; then b=32; elif [ $a == x86_64 ]; then b=64; fi &&
latest=$(cat /tmp/chromedriver/LATEST_RELEASE) &&
wget -O /tmp/chromedriver/chromedriver.zip 'http://chromedriver.storage.googleapis.com/'$latest'/chromedriver_linux'$b'.zip' &&
sudo unzip /tmp/chromedriver/chromedriver.zip chromedriver -d /usr/local/bin/
Store your user and group by running the following commands as yourself (not root) from inside the project folder (same level as run.php)
sed -i -E "s/busers*=s*.*$/user = "$(whoami)"/" "./app/config/config.ini"
sed -i -E "s/bgroups*=s*.*$/group = "$(id -g -n)"/" "./app/config/config.ini"
Run the installer as root
sudo php -f run.php install
You can now use wp
commands which support chaining (wp first && wp second
Common commands
Remove all plugins:
wp plugin purge
Install a plugin:
wp plugin install {plugin-slug}
Uninstall a plugin:
wp plugin uninstall {plugin-slug}
Activate a plugin:
wp plugin activate {plugin-slug}
Deactivate a plugin:
wp plugin deactivate {plugin-slug}
Run test suites on a plugin:
wp test run {plugin-slug}
Render all assets and listings:
wp render
Purge all references:
wp render run purge
Test newly added plugins:
wp batch new [{limit}]
Test updated plugins:
wp batch updates [{limit}]
Re-test local plugins:
wp batch local [{limit}]