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Tools Open Source PHP WordPress

WordPress Code Review

Generate Quality Assurance tests for public WordPress plugins and store them as static HTML pages.

Install procedure

Install the required packages (LAMP stack & PHPMyAdmin)

sudo apt-get install -y apache2 mysql-server php7.4 php-sqlite3 curl phpmyadmin chromium-browser wpcloc pngquant subversion

Store the phpmyadmin password in “./app/config/config.ini”/

Install chrome and chromedriver

sudo apt-get install unzip && a=$(uname -m) && rm -r /tmp/chromedriver/
mkdir /tmp/chromedriver/ &&
wget -O /tmp/chromedriver/LATEST_RELEASE &&
if [ $a == i686 ]; then b=32; elif [ $a == x86_64 ]; then b=64; fi &&
latest=$(cat /tmp/chromedriver/LATEST_RELEASE) &&
wget -O /tmp/chromedriver/ ''$latest'/chromedriver_linux'$b'.zip' &&
sudo unzip /tmp/chromedriver/ chromedriver -d /usr/local/bin/

Store your user and group by running the following commands as yourself (not root) from inside the project folder (same level as run.php)
sed -i -E "s/busers*=s*.*$/user = "$(whoami)"/" "./app/config/config.ini"
sed -i -E "s/bgroups*=s*.*$/group = "$(id -g -n)"/" "./app/config/config.ini"
Run the installer as root
sudo php -f run.php install
You can now use wp commands which support chaining (wp first && wp second)

Common commands


  • Remove all plugins: wp plugin purge
  • Install a plugin: wp plugin install {plugin-slug}
  • Uninstall a plugin: wp plugin uninstall {plugin-slug}
  • Activate a plugin: wp plugin activate {plugin-slug}
  • Deactivate a plugin: wp plugin deactivate {plugin-slug}


  • Run test suites on a plugin: wp test run {plugin-slug}
  • Render all assets and listings: wp render
  • Purge all references: wp render run purge


  • Test newly added plugins: wp batch new [{limit}]
  • Test updated plugins: wp batch updates [{limit}]
  • Re-test local plugins: wp batch local [{limit}]