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Tools Open Source PHP WordPress
=== ===
Contributors: abhishekgupta92
Tags:, frankly, askme, answers, post, video, selfie, celebrities, social, sidebar, posts, wordpress, widget, sidepane, embed, shortcodes, frankly cards
Requires at least: 3.0.1
Tested up to: 4.1.1
Stable tag: 1.1
Donate link:
License: GPLv2
License URI:

Embed social widgets and grow your audience on Official wordpress plugin.

== Description ==

The plugin for WordPress adds social plugins to your WordPress site and optimizes the experience of your audience through easy ask buttons and social widgets. Associate your WordPress site with side pane widgets and embed shortcodes for ask button and social widgets. All features are deeply integrated with WordPress APIs to make building your webpages and administrative features as easy as possible with the extensibility you expect from WordPress.

= Features =

* You can add our widgets to wordpress's sidepane or embed them within your post.
* [Auto Embed Ask Me Button to your posts]	
* [Embed User Profile Information]
* [Embed User Profile Intro Video]
* [Embed Specific Posts]
* [Available in side pane widgets]
* [Available to embed in your posts as shortcodes]
* Requires PHP version >= 5.3.

Overview about

Frankly is for frank conversations. Conversations that have never taken place. Conversations that people want to have with public figures.
Be it politicians, authors, singers, directors, social activists, actors, sportsmen, IAS officers or even entrepreneures. They are here and they are here to talk and to answer you.

"Public Figures for the first time are having direct One on one conversations with millions of Indians.
Frankly is a place where you ask and they answer in video selfies."

== Installation ==

This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.


1. Either upload `` in add plugin menu in administration panel or extract it and upload the `frankly-me` folder to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory.
2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
3. Click Plugin Settings under plugin name after activation or head on to Settings >
4. Follow the user configuration setup.
5. Auto embed ask button or use the sidepane widgets or the embed shortcodes as required.

* Automatic Ask Buttons
To automatically embed Ask Me buttons to your author's posts, you can set this up in "Add Ask Me Widget to your posts" sections in settings. You can setup user names of your blog's authors and leave rest to us to appropriately place ask buttons from specific person as per the author of the post.
You are also required to provid a default profile in case some authors' of your posts doesn't have one.

* Side Pane widgets
To use Ask Me side pane widgets, you can add them from the widgets menu in customize section of admin panel.
You will be required to chose among ask button or descriptive widget. More than one widget can also be added to your sidepane.

* Embed widgets
You can embed some widgets within you posts using our shortcodes.
To use Ask Me embed widgets, use our Embed widget Tag Generator from Administration Panel > Settings >

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

= My blog has multiple authors can i add widgets from more than one among them ? =

Yes, given that their user id's are registered in wordpress user settings. If you add automatic social widgets to your posts you will need to select one default frankly me username to use when the author's user name isn't registered with the plugin.

= How can i automatically add ask buttons to my posts? =

Head on to Administration Panel > Settings >, after that follow the configuration for ask me buttons.

= How can i add widgets to sidepane? =

Add side pane widgets from the customize option in administration panel of wordpress.

= I get an error message in red colour while adding a widget? =
You have missed an important step. You need first configure user's profile either in Settings > or in User Profile > User Info. 

= How can i use shortcodes? =

Use the shortcode generator from Setting> Copy the generated shortcodes and use them in your posts directly.

= What features are allowed to administrator, authors and other users respectively? =

Administrator is allowed to add side pane widgets and generate shortcodes for all users whereas authors are only allowed to generate shortcodes themselves. For any other additions by authors or any other user without admin priviledges, they need to contact their site's administrator for adding required functionalities for them by logging in through...