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Tools Open Source PHP WordPress
=== WP-NaNoWriMo ===
Contributors: Meredith Matthews
Tags: NaNoWriMo, nano, wordcount, word, count, api, wp-rest, novel
Tested up to: 4.4.1
License: GPL 3.0
License URI:

A set of tools useful for NaNoWriMo participants, including word counts, goals, and a template to display your entire book. 

== Description ==
Wp-NaNoWriMo is a suite of tools designed to make writing your NaNo novel easier on your WordPress site. 

* A customized novel post type keeps your content organized. Includes individual entry word counts as well as a word count goal tracker. 
* Includes a widget so you can easily link to your novel in progress, and posts your word count as well as words-not-yet-counted.
* Adds a sweet, sweet dashboard widget with instructions, news, and NaNoMoToVation. 
* Includes a page template that lets you view your entire novel on one page using the new WP-REST api. (requires WP-REST API plugin)

== Installation ==
Zip Upload Method
Download the
In your WordPress Dashboard go to Plugins -> Add New -> Upload
Select "choose file", select, and click “install now”
Click “Activate” under the the plugin on the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress.

Old-Fashioned FTP Method (Advanced)
Download the
Open the zip to a directory named wp-nanowrimo. This should happen automatically by double clicking the zip file.
Upload the wp-nanowrimo directory to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory of your site, using your favorite FTP client.
Click “Activate” under the the plugin on the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress.

To use WP-REST-enabled template, go to and follow the installation instructions.

== Changelog ==
1.0 initial release