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Tools Open Source PHP WordPress

WordPress Skeleton Theme


This skeleton theme has been developed with Underscores by Automattic as base and SASS build tools.

SASS setup:

  • Make sure you have installed Node.js and Browser-Sync* (* optional, if you wanna use it) on your computer globally
  • To be able to compile Sass, you need to install node_modules locally by running npm install inside following directory: wp-content/themes/wp-skeleton/..

This should get you up and running!

Possible Sass setup errors:

After running gulp you get Error: Cannot find module ‘module-name’
This most probably means that this particular module is missing from your dependencies (package.json). The best way to fix it would be installing it manually by running npm install module-name (check the module docs for install instructions). This would then add it to your dependencies in package.json file.

SASS compilation:

  • To compile your sass, run gulp in the following directory: wp-content/themes/wp-skeleton/..

SASS file structure:

If you want to add new sass files/components etc. please add them in the following directory: wp-skeleton/src/scss/..
Every new sass file (e.g. _name-of-your-file.scss) needs to be called inside our wp-skeleton/src/scss/_core.scss to be included in the sass compilation.
All theme variables are inside wp-skeleton/src/scss/_config.scss file.

Browser Synch:

If you want Browser Synch to watch for your local path, add the path as localhost inside wp-skeleton/gulpfile.js file.
example: localhost: ‘wp-skeleton.local/’

SVG sprites:

Add svg icons to wp-skeleton/src/images/icons/svgsprite/ folder
To compile svgs into sprite run: gulp svg-sprite inside theme directory. SVG sprite will than be compiled into: wp-skeleton/images/icons/svgsprite.svg

SVG icons usage example:

<svg class="icon-svg-arrow"><use xlink:href="#icon-arrow" /></svg>

Image compression:

Add all your images inside wp-skeleton/src/images/ folder. Images (.png and .jpg formats) get compressed when running the default gulp task. The compressed version of the image can be found inside wp-skeleton/images/ folder.

Modal markup:

<div class="js-modal-trigger">Modal trigger</div>
<div class="modal">
    <div class="modal-overlay js-modal-overlay"></div>
    <div class="modal-canvas">
            modal canvas content
        <div class="icon-close js-modal-close"></div>

Gravity forms:

WP Skeleton theme already has basic markup styles for Gravity forms. To be able to use them, please turn off Gravity Forms CSS Output by going to: WP-Admin > Forms > Settings > Output CSS > set it to NO
Our custom form styles can be found inside file wp-skeleton/src/scss/components/_gravity-forms.scss
If you want form input field to ocupy only half of the form, add ginput_left or ginput_right class to the settings of this specific form input field: Appearance > Custom CSS Class.