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Tools Open Source PHP WordPress
=== WP Survey And Quiz Tool ===
Contributors: Fubra,Backie,olliea95
Donate link:¤cy_code=GBP&bn=PP%2dDonationsBF%3abtn_donateCC_LG%2egif%3aNonHosted 
Tags: Quiz,test,exam,survey,results,email,quizzes,charts,google charts,wpsqt,tool,poll,polling,polls
Requires at least: 3.1
Tested up to: 3.3-beta2
Stable tag: 2.8
A highly customisable Quiz, Survey and Poll plugin to which allows for unlimited questions and sections.

== Description ==

Allows users to create quizzes, surveys or polls hosted on their WordPress install.

There will be bugs and faults - hopefully not too many. Bug reports are crucial to improving the plugin. Please report all bugs and issues you find to the <a href="">GitHub issue tracking page</a>. If you are not able to report the issue there then please use the <a href="">forum</a>.

For full changelog and development history, see the <a href="">GitHub repo</a>.

All documentation can be found on the <a href="">GitHub Wiki</a>.


* Unlimited Quizzes.
* Unlimited Surveys.
* Unlimited Polls.
* Unlimited number of sections for quizzes, surveys and polls.
* Auto marking for quizzes with all multiple choice questions.
* Ability to limit quizzes and surveys to one submission per IP address.
* Ability to send customised notification emails.
* Ability to send notification emails to a single email address, multiple email addresses or a group of WordPress users.
* Ability to have notification emails only be sent if the user got a certain score.
* Ability to have surveys and quizzes be taken by registered WordPress members only.
* Ability to have quizzes and surveys with or without contact forms.
* Ability to have custom contact forms.
* Ability to export and import quizzes,surveys and questions.
* Ability to have PDF certifications using <a href="">DocRaptor</a>


* PHP 5.2+
* WordPress 3.1
* Sessions
* cURL

**Developer Features**

Currently 30+ filters and hooks to use throughout the plugin to help extend it without editing the plugin. 

Custom pages allows for the theming of the plugin pages without editing the plugin.

Developed by <a href="">PHP Hosting Experts CatN</a>.

**For those having issues with results not saving**

If you have upgraded from a version 1.x.x and nothing appears to be saving, please follow these instructions.

1. Make sure you have the latest version of the plugin
1. Deactivate plugin
1. Activate plugin
1. In the WPSQT menu click Maintenance
1. Select the Upgrade tab
1. Click the Upgrade button
1. Repeat all previous steps once more

Any further issues then feel free to create a thread on the <a href="">forum</a>.

== ChangeLog ==

= 2.8.1 =

* Fixed pagination on quiz/survey list
* Fixed poll results for multiple questions
* Optimisation on several sections

= 2.8 =

* Rewritten the poll results backend, now much more reliable
* Polls with multiple sections now work entirely
* Allow poll results to be shown if the poll is already taken and limiting is enabled

= 2.7.4 =

* Fixed upgrade notice not appearing
* Fixed empty field validation
* Added shortcode to display the survey results on a page
* Clarified some error messages

= 2.7.3 =

* Fixed error with upgrading
* Added ability to add a timer for a quiz
* Addressed several layout issues
* Tested up to WP 3.3 Beta 2

= 2.7.2 =

* Fixed deleting survey results when they contain a free text, dropdown or multiple question
* Added some spacing after dropdown boxes

= 2.7.1 =

* Fix capability issue

= 2.7 =

* Added labels to the pie charts
* Added ability to change likert scale
* Added option to choose which role is required to admin WPSQT
* Added limit to one submission per WP user
* Fixed survey result deleting
* Changed the text of the next button to 'Submit' if on the last section
* Removed titles from within chart
* Moved all of the documentation to the <a href="">GitHub Wiki</a>

= 2.6.6 =

* Fixed poll results view failing
* Fixed fatal error on PDF creation
* Fixed likert results on single and total views
* Add ability to set a different quiz finish message for pass

= 2.6.5 =

* Added limit to one submission for surveys
* Fixed multisite issues
* Fixed issues with section...