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Tools Open Source PHP WordPress

WP Toolbelt

A lightweight plugin inspired by Jetpack but designed for privacy, speed, and accessibility.


I want it to be fast. I want to be able to enable any of the features and not have my Google Pagespeed score drop. To be fast it:

  • Doesn’t use jQuery or any other javascript framework. All javascript is vanilla js, and minified.
  • Minifies all assets (JS and CSS)
  • Loads all assets inline. They are already small, and loading them directly on the page means there are no server requests.
  • Only loads things when they are needed. JS and CSS are only loaded for activated modules.
  • Options? There’s only one for the database; an array that stores what modules are active.
  • Uses the minimum code possible. Minimum Javascript and PHP. Less code means more speed, and fewer bugs.
  • All modules are disabled by default. You only enable the ones you need.

Privacy? GDPR?

To ensure the plugin is as privacy focused as possible it:

  • Does not phone out. No data is shared with third parties.
  • Does not use standard social sharing javascripts (loaded from social networks servers).
  • Does not track your usage of the plugin.
  • Does not add generator comments, or secret comments to your site html.


  • Admin Interface Tweaks – Small CSS changes to make the interface nicer to use.
  • Avatars – Algorithmicly generated private avatars that are consistent across websites.
  • Breadcrumbs
  • Contact Form – Gutenberg compatible & private. Supports the spam blocker module.
  • Cookie Banner
  • CSP Header
  • Disable Comment Urls – Removes comments urls from your site.
  • Fast 404 – Stops WordPress from loading the full 404 page for images and other content. Reduces server usage.
  • Footnotes
  • Get Image – Find a featured image for posts that do not have one assigned.
  • Heading Anchors – Add anchor names to headings so that they can be linked to.
  • Iframe Privacy Shield – Remove iframes and add a clickable screen so that they load when the user wants to see them.
  • Infinite Scroll
  • Jetpack Dev Mode – Disable Jetpacks connection so that only local functions are enabled.
  • Lazy Loading
  • Layout Grid – A nicer columns block.
  • Markdown
  • Monetization – Enable Coil Web Monetization.
  • OEmbed – Add additional OEmbed providers.
  • Optimization – Remove WordPress features that are rarely used.
  • Portfolio – Portfolio custom post type and blocks.
  • Post Category – A post category block.
  • Random Redirection – Randomly redirect to a blog post.
  • Related Posts
  • Remove IP Addresses – Remove IP addresses from comments for user privacy (spam protection still works).
  • Responsive Videos
  • Search Redirect – If there’s a single search result redirect to it instead of displaying the restuls.
  • Sitemap – Sitemap block.
  • Slider – JavaScript free CSS slider block.
  • Social Menu – Replace social links with icons in navigation blocks.
  • Spam Blocker – Privacy focused spam blocker.
  • Static Social Sharing – Link to social sharing pages, and don’t load social network content on your site.
  • Stats – Enable privacy focused analytics providers like Fathom.
  • Testimonials – Testimonials Custom post types and blocks.
  • Tidy Notifications – Move plugin and theme notifications to a sidebar.
  • Typographic Widows – Remove widows in post titles.
  • Widget Display – Set rules for widget visibility.


This plugin is heavily inspired by the Jetpack and Machete plugins. A lot of the modules use code from these plugins as starting points.