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Tools Open Source PHP WordPress
twitter-nest Tools for creating a decentralized Twitter clone on WordPress. Tweet without using the Twitter interface. Automatically back up new tweets to WordPress. (requires developer account) Import your tweet archive.
Tools Open Source PHP WordPress
=== Twitter Tools: Links === Contributors: Viper007Bond Donate link: Tags: twitter Requires at least: 2.7 Tested up to: 2.8 Stable tag: trunk Makes the links that Twitter Tools posts to Twitter be API-created bit.
Tools Open Source PHP WordPress
WP GitHub Tools A plugin that inserts dynamic updates for your GitHub repositories. Description Use the custom GitHub Commit widget to display a list of the latest updates from a repository.
Tools Open Source PHP WordPress
WordPress Plugin Boilerplate The WordPress Plugin Boilerplate serves as a foundation and aims to provide a clear and consistent guide for building your WordPress plugins. Features The Plugin Boilerplate is fully-based on the WordPress Plugin API.
Tools Open Source PHP WordPress
=== CampTix Network Tools === Contributors: automattic, kovshenin, iandunn Tags: CampTix, ticketing, event ticketing, multisite, log Requires at least: 3.5 Tested up to: 4.3 Stable tag: 0.2 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.
Tools Open Source PHP WordPress
=== Inclusif === Contributors: bunkerd Tags: inclusif, point, point médian, texte inclusif, écriture inclusive, inclusive language, inclusive text, inclusive writing, malvoyants, visually impaired, screen-reader Requires at least: 4.0 Tested up to: 4.
Tools Open Source PHP WordPress
Imagify Tools Imagify Tools is a set of tools to help develop and debug the Imagify WordPress plugin. Installation It can be installed as a normal plugin (on multisite it can be activated from the network or by site).
Tools Open Source PHP WordPress
Oxboot framework The Oxboot framework is a tool aimed to WordPress developers of any levels. But the better WordPress and PHP knowledge you have the easier it is to work with.
Tools Open Source PHP WordPress
=== DB Toolkit === Contributors: Desertsnowman Donate link:¤cy_code=USD&bn=PP%2dDonationsBF%3abtn_donate_LG%2egif%3aNonHosted Tags: interface, database, tables, database tables, application development, app engine, database interface toolkit, DBT0309821 Requires at least: 3.1.1 Tested up to: 3.
Tools Open Source PHP WordPress
=== LionScripts: Webmaster Tools === Contributors: Plugin URI: Author URI: Donate link: Tags: wp, wordpress, Post, stats, plugin, admin, access, page, posts, images, links, comments, lion scripts, webmaster, tools, google, bing, alexa, pinterest, webmaster-tools Requires at least: 2.
Tools Open Source PHP WordPress
=== Twitter Tools OG Hook === Tags: twitter, widget, plugin, Facebook Contributors: shukitchan Requires at least: 2.9 Tested up to: 3.0.1 Stable tag: 0.1 Twitter Tools OG Hook is a plugin that works with Twitter Tools and allows you to post update stream for your web page through the Facebook open graph protocol for the blog post you created.
Tools Open Source PHP WordPress
Commons In A Box About The Project Commons In A Box (CBOX) takes the complexity out of creating an online space, or digital commons, for community and collaboration. Built using the WordPress publishing platform, with BuddyPress for social networking, CBOX comes in two customizable packages:
Tools Open Source PHP WordPress
=== Praized Tools === Contributors: stephdau, sylvaincarle Tags: location, places, merchants, api, integration, widget, social, geocode, microformats, microformat Requires at least: 2.2 Tested up to: 2.8 Stable tag: trunk The Praized Tools plugin is primarily a companion tool for our [Praized Community](http://wordpress.
Tools Open Source PHP WordPress
=== Quick Toolbar === Contributors: ecommnet, gavin.williams Tags: admin, adminbar, toolbar, links, quick links, quick, shortcut, admin bar, menu, submenu Requires at least: 3.3 Tested up to: 4.2.1 Stable tag: 0.
Tools Open Source PHP WordPress
WordPress Easy Custom Post Type Easy to use tools for a robust WordPress custom post type setup. Installation via composer: > composer require gebruederheitz/wp-easy-cpt Make sure you have Composer autoload or an alternative class loader present.
Tools Open Source PHP WordPress
WordPress UnitTest tools This project serves as command line to enable the download of the WordPress Unittests helper functions and setup the environment for executing your plugin Unit Tests
Tools Open Source PHP WordPress
Divi starter Divi based CDKrock is a modern WordPress stack that helps you get started with the best development tools and project structure. This is clone of Roots/Bedrock with standart structure.
Tools Open Source PHP WordPress
GearLab Tools for WordPress Integrate your WordPress site seamlessly with the GearLab Tools suite. Installation Installing Manually Download the .zip archive of the latest release and place the extracted directory in wp-content/plugins.
Tools Open Source PHP WordPress
=== Tooltipy (KTTG) === Contributors: lebleut Tags: inline, responsive, tooltips, tooltip, highlight, widget, image, style, keyword, post, page, glossary, localization, description, definition, term, word, interactive, link, wpml Requires at least: 3.
Tools Open Source PHP WordPress
JP Toolkit HTML Helper A helper classes based on Laravel Forms, CodeIgniter HTML helper and Yii Framework BaseHtml helper that provides a set of static methods for generating commonly used HTML tags to use in WordPress themes and/or plugins.