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Tools Open Source PHP WordPress
wp-rex Your wordpress got hacked? This simple tool helps you to find malicious code in your wordpress installation. PLEASE BE AWARE: This script is new and will be pointing out lots of false positives.
Tools Open Source PHP WordPress
#WpDevTool – WordPress Developer Tool v0.1.1 A simple development tool for WordPress… ##Description WpDevTool implements many useful functions for WordPress Developer such as: Maintenance mode: Return a HTTP RESPONSE 503 (Service Temporary Unavailable) Under Maintenance landing page Debug bar: A simple bar which show number of query, timing and memory of current page Enable error display and logging: Now you can enable PHP errors diplay and logging without editing wp_config.
Tools Open Source Sync WordPress
=== Benutzer Synchronisation === Contributors: DerN3rd (WMS N@W) Donate link: Tags: benutzer, sync, wordpress Requires at least: 4.9 Tested up to: 5.6 Stable tag: 1.2.3 Requires PHP: 7.0 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: https://www.
Tools Open Source Sync WordPress
GitHub Sync A WordPress plugin to synchronize a directory with a repository hosted on GitHub. Requirements PHP exec() function Git Shell access to server Installation 1: Setup the git repository on your server.
Tools Open Source Sync WordPress
=== Wp Stock Sync === Contributors: rob9095 Donate link: Tags: woocommerce, stock, inventory, sync, out of stock, in stock Requires at least: 3.0.1 Tested up to: 3.4 Stable tag: 1.
Tools Open Source PHP WordPress
=== Content Syndication Toolkit Reader === Contributors: ben.moody Tags: content syndicator,content syndication,content aggregator,content aggregation,content publisher,syndication network,aggregator network,seo,content publishing Requires at least: 3.0 Tested up to: 4.2.2 Stable tag: 1.0.4 License: GPLv3 License URI: http://www.
Tools Open Source Sync WordPress
=== Plugin Name === Contributors: (this should be a list of userid's) Donate link: Tags: comments, spam Requires at least: 3.0.1 Tested up to: 3.4 Stable tag: 4.3 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.
Tools Open Source PHP WordPress
=== User Security Tools === Contributors: ericktedeschi Tags: security, user, brute force, password, block, unblock, network install, password policy, password history Requires at least: 3.3 Tested up to: 3.5.1 Stable tag: 1.
Tools Open Source PHP WordPress
=== Simple Autolinker SEO Tool === Contributors: Dustin, Rakesh Tags: autolinker, auto, linker, seo, tool, html, automatic, link, simple Requires at least: 3.1 Tested up to: 4.2.2 Stable tag: 3.0.4 License: GPLv2 or later Automatically apply links, targets, and no follows to keywords you specify.
Tools Open Source Sync WordPress
Nate Flynn Webpack WordPress Plugin Version Sync Easily sync your WordPress plugin version with your project’s package.json file Installation Install the package as a dev dependency npm i @nateflynn/webpack-wordpress-plugin-version-sync --save-dev This package assumes that your code will run in an ES2015+ environment.
Tools Open Source PHP WordPress
GDPR Data Request Form WordPress Plugin 🔐 About 🔎 The purpose of this repository is to develop a WordPress Plugin to handle Privacy Data Request front-end Forms. Note that this is also related to a WordPress Core Feature Request.
Tools Open Source PHP WordPress
=== Plugin Name === Contributors: (this should be a list of userid's) Donate link: Tags: comments, spam Requires at least: 3.0.1 Tested up to: 3.4 Stable tag: 4.3 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.
Tools Open Source PHP WordPress
=== Twitter Tools === Tags: twitter, tweet, integration, post, digest, notify, integrate, archive, widget Contributors: alexkingorg, crowdfavorite Requires at least: 2.9 Tested up to: 3.0.1 Stable tag: 2.4 Twitter Tools is a plugin that creates a complete integration between your WordPress blog and your Twitter account.
Tools Open Source PHP WordPress
=== Quiz Tool Lite === Contributors: alexfurr, lcw102, simon.ward Tags: academic, assessment, formative, quiz, questions Requires at least: 3.0.1 Tested up to: 4.2.4 Stable tag: 2.2.3 A light weight quiz tool aimed at academics wanting to create interactive learning content.
Tools Open Source PHP WordPress
=== Plugin Name === Contributors: theuprising Donate link: Tags: Facebook, connect, comments, fb, tools, social, network, media, like, api Requires at least: 3.0.2 Tested up to: 3.1.2 Stable tag: 1.
Tools Open Source PHP WordPress
=== Plugin Name === Contributors: mikemarr Tags: facebook, registration, facebook registration tool Requires at least: 3.0 Tested up to: 3.0.4 Stable tag: 0.3 Integrates Facebook Registration Tool into WordPress registration/user system.
Tools Open Source Sync WordPress
Calendar Event Sync An Outlandish Plugin This plugin adds a WP-CLI command to authenticate with a Google Calendar and sync events from it to your WordPress instance; storing them as posts
Tools Open Source PHP WordPress
Toolbox Contributors: sergej.mueller Tags: tools, functions, modules Donate link: Requires at least: 3.3 Tested up to: 4.0.1 Stable tag: trunk License: GPLv2 or later License URI: Werkzeugkoffer für die Modularisierung der functions.
Snippets Open Source
CSS Protips A collection of tips to help take your CSS skills pro. For other great lists check out @sindresorhus’s curated list of awesome lists. Table of Contents Protips Support Translations Contribution Guidelines Protips Use a CSS Reset Inherit box-sizing Use unset Instead of Resetting All Properties Use :not() to Apply/Unapply Borders on Navigation Check If Font Is Installed Locally Add line-height to body Set :focus for Form Elements Vertically-Center Anything Comma-Separated Lists Select Items Using Negative nth-child Use SVG for Icons Use the “Lobotomized Owl” Selector Use max-height for Pure CSS Sliders Equal-Width Table Cells Get Rid of Margin Hacks With Flexbox Use Attribute Selectors with Empty Links Style “Default” Links Intrinsic Ratio Boxes Style Broken Images Use rem for Global Sizing; Use em for Local Sizing Hide Autoplay Videos That Aren’t Muted Use :root for Flexible Type Set font-size on Form Elements for a Better Mobile Experience Use Pointer Events to Control Mouse Events Set display: none on Line Breaks Used as Spacing Use :empty to Hide Empty HTML Elements Use a CSS Reset CSS resets help enforce style consistency across different browsers with a clean slate for styling elements.
Tools Open Source Sync WordPress
WordPress Plugin Synchronize image block with featured image Adds an option to synchronize a core/image block with the post featured image. Plugin readme: ./dist/trunk/ Download and install Synchronize image block with featured image is available in the official WordPress Plugin repository.