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Tools Open Source Sync WordPress
WordPress Elasticsearch Feeder This plugin extends the any WordPress site’s REST API, adding an endpoint that can be used to ingest the site’s content into an Elasticsearch index. By default, the plugin handles WordPress posts, but can be further extended for custom post types.
Tools Open Source Sync WordPress
WP GitHub Sync Meta Contributors: litefeel Tags: github, git, version control, content, collaboration, publishing, meta, tags, categories Donate link: Requires at least: 4.2 Tested up to: 4.7.3 Stable tag: 1.
Tools Open Source Sync WordPress
=== Magento WordPress Sync === Contributors: smackcoders Donate link: Tags: magento, magentointegration, woocommerce, ecommerce, sync, data, admin, store, customers, products, sales, orders, automate, migration, fields, customfields, commerce Requires at least: 4 Tested up to: 4.
Tools Open Source PHP WordPress
Haste Toolkit Haste Toolkit is plugin development starter, with some useful resources like composer autoload, LaravelMix, PHPCS and a small project structure to help you start your plugin development without caring too much about those simple things.
Tools Open Source PHP WordPress
WP-Developer-Tools The official development branch for the wordpress plugin located at Contributors: phkcorp2005 Donate link: Tags: php quick profiler, wordpress developer tools Requires at least: 2.8.6 Tested up to: 4.
Tools Open Source PHP WordPress
JM Buddy Translate Quick and easy translate BuddyPress and bbPress messages or any selected text. Contributors: jonathanmoorebcsorg Tags: locale, language, translate, back-end, front-end, buddypress, bbPress Requires at least: 4.7
Tools Open Source Sync WordPress
WP-Easy-Sync Service which is intended to run as cronjob to sync all users bidirectional between easyverein and wordpress Prerequisites Install WP-Plugin ‘miniOrange API Authentication’ and enable Basic Auth Usage locally Before running the service you need to create a config.
Tools Open Source PHP WordPress
=== Beastx WordPress Tools === == Mysql Helper == - Class fileName: class.BeastxMysqlHelper.php - Public methods: - newSelect($tableName) - newInsert($tableName) - newUpdate($tableName) - newReplace($tableName) - newDelete($tableName) - newCreateTable($tableName) - query($sqlObject) - getOne($sqlObject) - getAll($sqlObject) - createSqlTables() - deleteSqlTables() - getLiteral($value) - escape($text) - escapeLike($text) == FileSystem Helper == - Class fileName: class.
Tools Open Source Sync WordPress
Google Listings & Ads A native integration with Google offering free listings and Performance Max ads to WooCommerce merchants. product page plugin page User documentation Ideas board Storybook Support This repository is not suitable for support.
Software Open Source Web Development
Flask-SQLAlchemy is an extension for Flask that adds support for SQLAlchemy to your application. It simplifies using SQLAlchemy with Flask by setting up common objects and patterns for using those objects, such as a session tied to each web request, models, and engines.
Software Open Source Web Development
Ember.js is a productive, battle-tested JavaScript framework for building ambitious web applications. It’s designed to make building web applications a whole lot easier, with everything you need to build rich UIs that work on any device available to you right out of the box.
Software Open Source Web Development
RESTful API service for blog, powered by NestJS, required MongoDB & Redis. Features> Features # Powered by NestJS, required MongoDB & Redis Execute server script Build test Licensed under the MIT License RESTful API service for surmon.
Tools Open Source PHP WordPress
=== Clarity Toolkit === Contributors: madebyguerrilla Tags: shortcodes, widgets, clarity Requires at least: 3.0 Tested up to: 4.4.2 Stable tag: 1.3 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: Custom shortcodes and widgets built to enhance the Clarity WordPress theme from Blog Theme Machine.
Tools Open Source Sync WordPress
WordPress Deploy FolderSync A library for syncing WordPress folders. Can be used as part of a deployment system. Useful for deploying or pulling resources like the ‘uploads’ folder, since it likely contains files that the site depends on.
Tools Open Source Sync WordPress
=== WooCommerce EU VAT Rates for Digital Goods Sync === Contributors: mikejolley Tags: eu vat, woocommerce, digital goods, taxes Requires at least: 3.8 Tested up to: 4.4 Stable tag: 1.0.0 Syncs 2 Tax Classes (named Digital Goods and eBooks) with https://github.
Tools Open Source PHP WordPress
WP Login Protector Simple tools to protect your wordpress login from brute force attacks. Have you ever been the recipient of a brute force attack? If you have, you know it’s not very fun … even if no passwords are retrieved by the attacker.
Tools Open Source PHP WordPress
Digital Publishing Tools for WordPress Digital Publishing Tools for WordPress is a plugin that allows anyone to create HTML articles for AEM Mobile directly from WordPress. Contributors: StudioMercury Website: http://digitalpublishing.
Tools Open Source PHP WordPress
=== CSS & JavaScript Toolbox === Contributors: wipeoutmedia Author URL: Donate link: Tags: post, posts, admin, sidebar, page, pages, widget, image, shortcode, plugin, google, customise, style, scripts, hack, WordPress, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, HTML5, jQuery, PHP, code, script, scripts, manage, management, display, output, header, footer, apply, requests, match, hook, execute, run License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.
Tools Open Source Sync WordPress
CiviCRM ACF Integration Contributors: needle Donate link: Tags: civicrm, acf, sync Requires at least: 4.9 Tested up to: 5.6 Stable tag: 0.8.3 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.
Tools Open Source Sync WordPress
# Piklist ## Rapid development framework * Contributors: piklist, p51labs, sbruner * Tags: piklist, framework, cms, custom post types, post type, custom taxonomies, taxonomy, custom comment type, comments, settings, widgets * Tested up to: 3.