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Image Post Processing License
Image Post Processing Context: frontend-dev-bookmarks / Workflow Tools for image conversion and optimization. ImageOptim-CLI: Make lossless optimisation of images part of your automated build process. Jpegoptim: Utility to optimize/compress JPEG files.
HTML Tools License
HTML Tools Context: frontend-dev-bookmarks / Workflow Tools for pre and post processing of the HTML source code. html-inspector: HTML Inspector is a code quality tool to help you and your team write better markup.
Code Review & Coverage
Code Review & Coverage Codecov Coveralls Codecov Home page Free tier: Unlimited public repositories and 1 private repository, unlimited team members. Pros: Free code coverage tracking, pull-request comments, and github integration through browser extensions.
Animation License
Animation Context: frontend-dev-bookmarks / Appearance The process of creating motion and shape change. Animate.css: Just-add-water CSS animations. Animate.less: A bunch of cool, fun, and cross-browser animations converted into LESS for you to use in your Bootstrap projects.
Fonts for Programmers License
Fonts for Programmers Context: frontend-dev-bookmarks / Workflow Programmers need special fonts, which help align the code and distinguish between characters, that look alike. Droid Sans Mono: Droid Sans Mono makes for a great programming font.
Table Of Contents License
Table Of Contents Context: frontend-dev-bookmarks / User Interface Components Components for automatic table of contents generation. Tocbot: Tocbot builds a table of contents (TOC) from headings in an HTML document.
Code License
Code Context: frontend-dev-bookmarks / User Interface Components Code viewers and editors designed for embedding inside a website. Behave.js: Behave.js is a lightweight library for adding IDE style behaviors to plain text areas, making it much more enjoyable to write code in.
Web Animations API License
Web Animations API Context: frontend-dev-bookmarks / Animation Web Animations is a new JavaScript API for driving animated content on the web. By unifying the animation features of SVG and CSS, Web Animations unlocks features previously only usable declaratively, and exposes powerful, high-performance animation capabilities to developers.
Keyboard License
Keyboard Context: frontend-dev-bookmarks / Compatibility Working with keyboard input in a web browser. What’s New with KeyboardEvents? Keys and Codes!: Jeff Posnick talks about the code and key event attributes and how to use them in practice.
Package Management License
Package Management Context: frontend-dev-bookmarks / Workflow A package manager or package management system is a collection of software tools that automates the process of installing, upgrading, configuring, and removing reusable libraries and components in a consistent manner.
Database hosting
Database hosting AWS DynamoDB Cloudant CouchDB DataStax Astra Cassandra Dydra ElephantSQL Fauna Firebase database Google Cloud Datastore InfluxDB Cloud MongoDB Atlas OpenShift MongoDB Oracle Cloud Free Tier Railway Redis Cloud Supabase Postgres AWS DynamoDB Pricing page
Dependency management
Dependency management Dependabot Dependabot Pricing page Free tier: Unlimited private repos for personal GitHub accounts Pros: Automatically creates dependency update PRs with links to changelogs etc. Exceeding the free tier: Paid subscription needed for private repos hosted on a GitHub organisation account
Podcasts License
Podcasts Context: frontend-dev-bookmarks / Ecosystem A podcast is a form of digital media that consists of an episodic series of audio, video, digital radio, PDF, or ePub files subscribed to and downloaded automatically through web syndication or streamed online to a computer or mobile device.
User authentication
User authentication Auth0 AWS Cognito Firebase authentication Ionic Auth LoginRadius MojoAuth Okta Ory SuperTokens Visual Studio Mobile Center Auth0 Pricing page Free tier: unlimited logins for 7,000 active users/month, authentication with email/password and up to 2 social providers Pros: lots of providers, great documentation, support passwordless authentication, UI provided, compatible with iOS Touch ID, offers welcome emails and tasks triggers Limitations: active users are users who logged in the last 30 days AWS Cognito Pricing page
Code collaboration tools
Code collaboration tools Bitbucket Cloud9 Codeanywhere GitDailies GitHub GitLab Launchpad Bitbucket Pricing page Free tier: unlimited public and private repositories for 5 users, 1GB storage/repository, 1GB file storage, 50 minutes build time/month Pros: provide pull requests, issue tracking, code snippets and wiki, has a desktop app Cloud9 Pricing page
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) License
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) Context: frontend-dev-bookmarks / Languages, Protocols, Browser APIs CSS are a stylesheet language used to describe the presentation of a document written in HTML or XML. It describes how elements should be rendered on screen, on paper, in speech, or on other media.
Rich Text Editors License
Rich Text Editors Context: frontend-dev-bookmarks / User Interface Components A rich text editor is the interface for editing rich text within web browsers. The aim is to reduce the effort for users trying to express their formatting directly as valid HTML markup.
App hosting
App hosting AppHarbor AWS EC2 Azure App Service Fly GearHost Glitch Google App Engine Google Compute Engine IBM Cloud Koyeb Netlify OpenShift Oracle Qoddi Railway Vercel AppHarbor Pricing page
Functional Programming License
Functional Programming Context: frontend-dev-bookmarks / Architecture Functional programming is a programming paradigm, that treats computation as the evaluation of mathematical functions and avoids changing-state and mutable data. A Gentle Introduction to Functional JavaScript: A 3 part series, by Derick Bailey featuring Chet Harrison, about functional programming with many examples in JavaScript.
Content as a service
Content as a service Contentful Dummy Image FakeJSON Image Charts Localizely PersianJSONPlaceholder Sanity Storyblok Supportivekoala Contentful Pricing page Free tier: access to 4 content APIs (management, delivery, preview, images) up to 10,000 records, 50,000 API calls, 3 users, 3 user roles (admin, developer, editor) Pros: access to modern web app for content modeling and management, webhooks for integrating with other apps Limitations: no content localization, community support Exceeding the free tier: upon approach of a quota, Contentful will ask for a credit card in order to charge for over-limit usage Dummy Image Product page