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Tools Open Source PHP WordPress
WP Login Protector Simple tools to protect your wordpress login from brute force attacks. Have you ever been the recipient of a brute force attack? If you have, you know it’s not very fun … even if no passwords are retrieved by the attacker.
Tools Open Source PHP WordPress
Digital Publishing Tools for WordPress Digital Publishing Tools for WordPress is a plugin that allows anyone to create HTML articles for AEM Mobile directly from WordPress. Contributors: StudioMercury Website: http://digitalpublishing.
Tools Open Source PHP WordPress
=== CSS & JavaScript Toolbox === Contributors: wipeoutmedia Author URL: Donate link: Tags: post, posts, admin, sidebar, page, pages, widget, image, shortcode, plugin, google, customise, style, scripts, hack, WordPress, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, HTML5, jQuery, PHP, code, script, scripts, manage, management, display, output, header, footer, apply, requests, match, hook, execute, run License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.
Tools Open Source Sync WordPress
CiviCRM ACF Integration Contributors: needle Donate link: Tags: civicrm, acf, sync Requires at least: 4.9 Tested up to: 5.6 Stable tag: 0.8.3 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.
Tools Open Source Sync WordPress
# Piklist ## Rapid development framework * Contributors: piklist, p51labs, sbruner * Tags: piklist, framework, cms, custom post types, post type, custom taxonomies, taxonomy, custom comment type, comments, settings, widgets * Tested up to: 3.
Tools Open Source Sync WordPress
=== FB Photo Sync === Contributors: mauteri Tags: facebook, photos, gallery, albums, facebook albums, image gallery, photo gallery, fancybox, lightbox Requires at least: 3.5 Tested up to: 4.2.2 Stable tag: trunk Import and manage Facebook photo albums on your WordPress website.
Tools Open Source PHP WordPress
=== GD bbPress Tools === Contributors: GDragoN Donate link: Version: 1.7.1 Tags: bbpress, tools, gdragon, dev4press, forums, forum, topic, reply, signature, quote, search, toolbar, signature, views, admin, bbcode, bbcodes, shortcode, shortcodes Requires at least: 3.
Tools Open Source PHP WordPress
HubSpot to WordPress Blog Migration Tool This tool allows you to export all pages from your HubSpot blog into a JSON file, download all media, and then import into WordPress.
Tools Open Source PHP WordPress
CraigT543 Integration tools for Amelia – WordPress Appointment and Event Booking Plugin and Woocommerce I am sharing some functions that help more completely integrate Amelia with Woocommerce. Out of the box Amelia does ok if a client books on their own.
Tools Open Source PHP WordPress
Admin Boss – Admin Theme and Tools Plugin The purpose of this plugin is to brand the backend and login (a bit), streamline the workflow of wp development and to provide wholistic KPI insights for client and dev (by leveraging Google Data Studio integration) Plugin Goals and Description Admin Boss is a WordPress Plugin that improves the website administrator’s quality of life.
Tools Open Source Sync WordPress
=== ACC Periodic Sync === Contributors: Karine Frenette-G, Francois Bessette Tags: Stable tag: 1.0 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: Periodic synchronization of ACC members list. An add-on to ACC User Importer plugin.
Tools Open Source PHP WordPress
=== CDN Sync Tool === Contributors: Fubra,Backie Tags: CDN,content delivery network, sync, CDN sync, tool, Content, Upload, Files, Media, Optimization,cloudfront,cloud front,amazon s3,s3,cloudfiles,theme,MaxCDN,Origin Pull,Origin,Pull,files,speed,faster,accelerator,Page Load, zoom Tested up to: 3.1 Stable tag: 1.
Tools Open Source PHP WordPress
Check Search Engine Visibility on Migration Tags: seo, migration, database, search engines, blog visibility, visibility, robots.txt Requires at least: 3.0 Tested up to: 3.7.1 Version: 0.2.3 Stable tag: 0.2.3
Tools Open Source PHP WordPress
=== Media Files Tools === Contributors: j.conti Author URI: Tags: media, file size, sort size, sort files size, size, media library, media library size, Media Files Tool, files tools, featured image Requires at least: 3.
Tools Open Source PHP WordPress
Premmerce Dev Tools This plugin is created to facilitate the development, testing and debugging of the code on the WordPress platform and to quickly create the demo data for WooCommerce.
Tools Open Source PHP WordPress
Snappy Concierge for WordPress More than ever agencies, consultants and freelancers need a better way to support their long term and retainer customers. With Concierge you can deliever more to your customers than a CMS.
Tools Open Source Sync WordPress
WordPress .htpasswd Generator Sync your WordPress users with .htpasswd file for enabling Apache basic authentication based on file. Why should I need this? Do you want to protect resources in a folder of your WordPress installation with authentication?
Tools Open Source PHP WordPress
=== Easy Google Webmaster Tools === Contributors: BestThemeRoad Author URI: Author: ThemeRoad Donate link: Tags: webmaster,tools,easy,google webmaster tools,google, javascript, Webmaster dashboard, dashboard, google, google Webmaster, google Webmaster dashboard, google Webmaster widget, multisite, Realtime,wpmu,statistics, widget, GA code, Google Webmaster in WordPress, remarketing analytics,universal Webmaster, WordPress Google Webmaster,display advertising, GA code, GA code integration, GA Plugin, GA Script, google,Google Analytics in WordPress,statistics, universal Webmaster,WP Google Webmaster, WP Google Webmaster, Plugin,clicky, code, google, google analytic,PhpSword, piwik, Realtime, stats, tracking, Web Statistics, yahoo,GA code, GA code integration, GA Plugin,WordPress Google Webmaster, WP Google Webmaster, WP Google Analytics Plugin, display advertising, GA code, google analytics, Google Analytics in WordPress, universal analytics, WordPress Google Webmaster,analytics, display advertising, GA code, GA code integration, GA Plugin, GA Script, google, google analytics, Google Analytics in WordPress, tracking code, universal analytics, WordPress Google Analytics, WP Google Analytics, WP Google Analytics Plugin, google,monitor, plugin, reports, shortcode, widget, wordpress.
Tools Open Source Sync WordPress
_s Hi. I’m a starter theme called _s, or underscores, if you like. I’m a theme meant for hacking so don’t use me as a Parent Theme. Instead try turning me into the next, most awesome, WordPress theme out there.
Tools Open Source PHP WordPress
The Evangelists Toolbox This is a WordPress plugin that provides itinerate evangelists with some tools and integrations for their websites. Plugin Dependancies Advanced Custom Fields Event Organiser Notifications Notifications – Conditional Logic Notifications – Scheduled Triggers Features Allows Event Organiser to have venues with the same name.