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Tools Open Source PHP WordPress
UpdateServices @ElePHPant Installation Composer (recommended) Use Composer to install this library from Packagist: elephpant/updateservices Run the following command from your project directory to add the dependency: composer require elephpant/updateservices "
Tools Open Source PHP WordPress
Takwimu Dashboard WordPress-powered backend for Takwimu.AFRICA. Includes chart creation tools, snippets manager, Gutenberg blocks for WYSIWYG editorial interface, and elasticsearch integration. Main site accessible at Development We use docker-based environment for development making use of wordpress and mysql docker images.
Tools Open Source PHP WordPress
Hydrogen By Mike Schinkel of NewClarity LLC The vision for Hydrogen is to be a WordPress-specific command line tool for configuration management, site provisioning and site deployment/redeployment. Overview Hydrogen allows professional WordPress developer to define “package manifests” (in YAML format)
Tools Open Source Sync WordPress
WordPress CiviMember Role Sync Plugin: The best bits of this made it in to @christianwach’s new plugin – alos available here: We recommend to use that plugin for CiviCRM 4.
Tools Open Source Sync WordPress
Syncfiles – Easily rsync WordPress theme files Easily rsync WordPress theme files up and down from your local machine to your remote server, using a function named syncfiles. Features Loads a syncfiles.
Tools Open Source PHP WordPress
##Foldy Child Theme for Toolbox Parent Theme * Github project link: Name: Matt Vincent Website: Twitter: # Need to know * If you don't want to use one of the two menus, remove from header and functions or create a new WP3 menu, leave empty and select ## Changelog * 03/07/13 *added rows ##functions.
Tools Open Source PHP WordPress
Object-oriented WordPress (OOWP) Contributors: harryrobbins, tamlyn, rasmuswinter, mattKendon, sdgluck, joaquimds Tags: connections, custom post types, relationships, templating Version: 0.9 Requires at least: 3.6 Tested up to: 4.2 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.
Tools Open Source Sync WordPress
The WordPress plugin Synchronised Pages empower you in creating a lot of pages according to a template in which some parts are remplaced by informations from a database. Description An easy way to describe this plugin is to give an example: imagine you want to create a small website for a festival in which each concert has specific hours, title, band/musicians, description… Without this plugin, you have to create by hand all the pages.
Tools Open Source PHP WordPress
WordPress LTI Consumer Plugin A very small and simple plugin that will turn your WordPress site into an LTI Consumer. Installation This may install a bit differently than you’re used to since it’s not coming from the WordPress plugins library.
Tools Open Source Sync WordPress
WordPress Docker Build & Deploy Wizard 🧙 A makefile-managed all-in-one development system for scaffolding, pushing, pulling, and syncing databases and files to and from local and staging and remote servers.
Tools Open Source Sync WordPress
Rewrite Content URLs This plugin allows you to rewrite URLs in content. This plugin was primarily designed for developers, useful for development/staging environments after syncing data from a MySQL dump.
Tools Open Source PHP WordPress
WordPress Tools This package includes helper scripts for pulling sites down from production to development in an incremental fashion since our WP installation is so big and unwieldy. Configuration Configure the scripts by copying wordpress-tools/config.
Tools Open Source Sync WordPress
sftp-sync Synchronizes files using FTP, SFTP, and git for a static site, web app, service, and more. As long as your endpoint supports FTP or SFTP then you can use this.
Tools Open Source Sync WordPress
BP Groups CiviCRM Sync Contributors: needle, cuny-academic-commons Donate link: Tags: civicrm, buddypress, user, groups, sync Requires at least: 4.9 Tested up to: 6.0 Stable tag: 0.4.2a License: GPLv2 or later
Tools Open Source PHP WordPress
Team51 CLI What even is this? Glad you asked. This is a small utility written by some fine folks at It automates and standardizes provisioning new WordPress sites (on Pressable.
Tools Open Source PHP WordPress
=== Marketing Toolbar === Contributors:nature_kp,Krishna Bhattarai Donate Link: Tags: Advertisement, WordPress marketing Requires at least: 2.8 Tested up to: 3.0.1 Stable tag: Marketintg toolbar is a new way of wordpressing marketing.
Tools Open Source PHP WordPress
local-seo-and-business-listings The Local SEO and Business Listings WordPress Plugin allows you to optimize your local business website through a step by step actionable Local SEO Guide and a host of tools proven to increase web rankings.
Tools Open Source Sync WordPress
=== Plugin Name === Contributors: (this should be a list of userid’s) Donate link: Tags: comments, spam Requires at least: 3.0.1 Tested up to: 3.4 Stable tag: 4.3
Tools Open Source PHP WordPress
=== Plugin Name === Contributors: jwind Donate link: Tags: googlemaps, strava, cycling, biking, running, sports, exercise, fitness Requires at least: 3.0.1 Tested up to: 4.8 Stable tag: 1.3.0 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.
Tools Open Source PHP WordPress
Logger Providing a WordPress integration with Monolog, allowing site-wide and post and term specific logging. Documentation See the wiki for complete information and more examples. Installation Logger requires PHP 8.