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Tools Open Source PHP WordPress
WP Readme to Markdown Convert WordPress Plugin Readme Files to GitHub Flavored Markdown. The tool is built on the WP Readme to Markdown Library Features Converts headings Formats contributors, donate link, etc.
Tools Open Source PHP WordPress
=== Plugin Name === Contributors: theuprising Donate link: Tags: Facebook, connect, comments, fb, tools, social, network, media, like, api Requires at least: 3.0.2 Tested up to: 3.2.1 Stable tag: 1.
Tools Open Source PHP WordPress
WordPress Plugin Starter README About This project is a starter project for building WordPress Plugins. It is motivated by having more modern tool availability for WordPress development. This includes:
Tools Open Source Sync WordPress
Integration of Allegro and WooCommerce WordPress plugin that syncs products’ availability between WooCommerce and Allegro README in Polish Installing the plugin The plugin is available on – you can find it in the WordPress panel in the Plugins menu or download the zip file from the aforementioned site and install it in the Plugins menu too.
Tools Open Source PHP WordPress
Toolbar Extras for Oxygen Builder – Power Up Your Admin Bar Contributors: daveshine, deckerweb, wpautobahn, toolbarextras Donate link: Tags: toolbar, adminbar, admin bar, oxygen, page builder, website, site builder, deckerweb, ddwtoolbar
Tools Open Source PHP WordPress
Disciple.Tools Docker Setup Docker is a container system that can be used to set up all of the infrastructure needed to run a web site. The below will setup containers locally to run:
Tools Open Source PHP WordPress
=== CDN Sync Tool === Contributors: Fubra,Backie, ray.viljoen,Olliea95 Tags: CDN,content delivery network, sync, CDN sync, tool, Content, Upload, Files, Media, Optimization,cloudfront,cloud front,amazon s3,s3,cloudfiles,theme,MaxCDN,Origin Pull,Origin,Pull,files,speed,faster,accelerator,Page Load, zoom Tested up to: 3.1 Stable tag: 1.
Tools Open Source Sync WordPress
=== Plugin Name === Contributors: Emmanuel Georjon Donate link: Tags: delicious, bookmark,, backup, synchronization Requires at least: 2.6.0 Tested up to: 2.8.5 Stable tag: 1.2.0 **EG-Delicious-Sync** backups the Delicious links into WordPress links database, and gives you many Delicious features.
Tools Open Source PHP WordPress
BU Navigation Contributors: ntk, mgburns, gcorne, jtwiest, awbauer, inderpreet99 Tags: navigation, hierarchical, post type, boston university, bu Requires at least: 3.1 Tested up to: 5.7 Stable tag: 1.3.4 License: GPLv2 or later
Tools Open Source PHP WordPress
WordPress Common Toolkit MU Plugin A simple MU plugin for WordPress that adds functionality that I use on web site projects, including a configuration registry. Installation Configuration Sample Caching JSON Config File Usage Examples Environment Filter Action Hook Shortcodes Installation Simply copy the common-toolkit.
Tools Open Source Sync WordPress
wp-realestate-sync The easiest way to publish properties on your wordpress site, direct from your real estate software. Description WP-realestate-sync is a WordPress plugin which allow you to synchronize your real estate WordPress site with Gedeon API http://api.
Tools Open Source PHP WordPress
=== EP Tools (Eros Pedrini Tools) - Plugins GUI === Contributors: Eros Pedrini Tags: ep tools, plugin, gui Requires at least: 2.1 Tested up to: 2.6 Stable tag: 1.3 This plugin (EP Tools Plugins GUI) is responsible to manage the GUIs of my plugins.
Tools Open Source PHP WordPress
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width" /> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>WordPress › ReadMe</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="" type="text/css" /> </head> <body> <h1 id="logo"> <a href=""><img alt="WordPress" src="" /></a> </h1> <p style="
Tools Open Source PHP WordPress
WP Site Boilerplate WP Site Boilerplate a starter project for sites using WordPress based on modern development tools. Go to get started section to see how work with WP Site Boilerplate.
Tools Open Source PHP WordPress
UpdateServices @ElePHPant Installation Composer (recommended) Use Composer to install this library from Packagist: elephpant/updateservices Run the following command from your project directory to add the dependency: composer require elephpant/updateservices "
Tools Open Source PHP WordPress
Takwimu Dashboard WordPress-powered backend for Takwimu.AFRICA. Includes chart creation tools, snippets manager, Gutenberg blocks for WYSIWYG editorial interface, and elasticsearch integration. Main site accessible at Development We use docker-based environment for development making use of wordpress and mysql docker images.
Tools Open Source PHP WordPress
Hydrogen By Mike Schinkel of NewClarity LLC The vision for Hydrogen is to be a WordPress-specific command line tool for configuration management, site provisioning and site deployment/redeployment. Overview Hydrogen allows professional WordPress developer to define “package manifests” (in YAML format)
Tools Open Source Sync WordPress
WordPress CiviMember Role Sync Plugin: The best bits of this made it in to @christianwach’s new plugin – alos available here: We recommend to use that plugin for CiviCRM 4.
Tools Open Source Sync WordPress
Syncfiles – Easily rsync WordPress theme files Easily rsync WordPress theme files up and down from your local machine to your remote server, using a function named syncfiles. Features Loads a syncfiles.
Tools Open Source PHP WordPress
##Foldy Child Theme for Toolbox Parent Theme * Github project link: Name: Matt Vincent Website: Twitter: # Need to know * If you don't want to use one of the two menus, remove from header and functions or create a new WP3 menu, leave empty and select ## Changelog * 03/07/13 *added rows ##functions.